Is it possible to transate the wParam parameter into the actual message string?
I am trying to get the actual system messages that are represented by the intergers returned in the wParam property of the message. Is there anyway to do this or a function that can achieve this?
Is this is a question about WndProc? Which message are you talking about?
LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND p_hwn,UINT p_msg,WPARAM p_wparam,LPARAM p_lparam)
The WParam is generally used to send flags or info attached to a windows message, it doesn't tell you what the message is.
The message id (p_msg) tells you what message it is e.g. 'WM_CHAR', 'WM_KEYDOWN' etc? Is it these you are after? If so you can download an enumeration here (C# but easy to convert):
Or of course just look in the C++ windows headers.