
MonoDevelop -- GTK Designer just shows a blank square?

I am having problems getting the GTK designer to work with MonoDevelop. I tried 2.4 on Arch Linux and it gave this problem. Then I tried 2.2 on OpenBSD and it gives the exact same problem. Both machines are 64bit.

Instead of having a window to drag things on I just have a blank square:

alt text http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/4766/monodevelop.png

The tutorials I've seen look similar to this though:

alt text http://monodevelop.com/@api/deki/files/142/=Stetic_Tutorial_06.jpg?size=bestfit&width=700&height=425

So what gives? With my blank square I can't drag anything onto it, not a VBox or other container even. It will not react to anything.

Am I missing some sort of GTK# configuration or what? I find it highly improbable that both OSs' packages I tried are broken. Also, I've attached a (huge) bounty to this because this is a pretty big issue for me.

The console output from the star开发者_如何学Cting of Mono and including me trying to drag an element onto the gray box is here


Ok, so I've finally gotten a bit closer to solving the mystery. I use Fluxbox as my window manager usually. Well I tried using both KDE and Gnome-Session and both of them cause MonoDevelop to work properly(though still missing the window border, you could at least drag components onto it). Now my question is what makes Fluxbox not work for it?

I have the same problem in openSUSE 11.3 x64 KDE using Mono JIT compiler version 2.6.7 (tarball Wed Jul 14 18:00:23 UTC 2010) downloaded from here

type -a monodevelop returns:

monodevelop is /usr/bin/monodevelop 
monodevelop is /usr/bin/X11/monodevelop

Running monodevelop from terminal gives the following output


WARNING: Cannot find Mozilla directory containing libgtkembedmoz.so. Some Addins may not be able to function. Please set MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME to your Mozilla directory.

This can be solved by adding an environment variable in your .bashrc file from your home directory.

export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME='/path/to/libgtkembedmoz.so/directory/'

To find if that library exists on your systems use:

sudo find / -name libgtkembedmoz.so -print

(from this bug report this library is contain in the Mozilla's XUL Runner package, but in newer versions I don't know if it's still there, I had to use libgtkembedmoz.so provided by Slickedit which was installed in /opt/slickedit/bin/mozilla/)


WARNING [2010-07-29 20:22:37Z]: Inotify watch limit is too low (8192).

To resolve this problem read Inotify Watches Limit


WARNING [2010-07-29 20:22:37Z]: Error creating composed icon gtk-execute___asm0__debug-overlay-22.png__SmallToolbar at size SmallToolbar. Icon __asm0__debug-overlay-22.png__SmallToolbar is 22x22, expected 16x16.

I get the exact same error using Monodevelop 2.4, and I think this could be either from a broken GTK# installation or from a bug in Monodevelop,

Your result is the same as mine, see here. I suggest compiling MonoDevelop from Github and/or using a newer version of gtk-sharp/gdk-sharp

This part

ERROR [2010-07-29 20:22:37Z]: GdkPixbuf-Critical: gdk_pixbuf_composite: assertion `dest_x >= 0 && dest_x + dest_width <= dest->width' failed

appears in GTK and GDK crashes,

If this does not resolve the problem submitting a bug report is the next option. Although this is somehow strange, since I managed to complete the same tutorial using Kubuntu 10.04 LTS 64 bit a few weeks ago.

Uh, that is the designer. If the toolbox didn't show up, go to View->Pads->Toolbox to bring it up.

Note that this Gtk, you can't just drop a button or textbox on the design surface. You have to drop a container control first, and then can place buttons and such inside the container.

  1. set global gtk theme to default

  2. check all bindings depends

  3. try start monodevelop from console and post output on pastebin

"Now my question is what makes Fluxbox not work for it? " remember the GTK protect was made for GNOME project, all the libraries are made to work on that Desktop. so need to see all the dependencies to run it property





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