
Redirect System.out.println

My application has many System.out.println()开发者_开发问答 statements.

I want to catch messages from println and send them to the standard logger (Log4j, JUL etc).

How to do that ?

The System class has a setOut and setErr that can be used to change the output stream to, for example, a new PrintStream with a backing File or, in this case, probably another stream which uses your logging subsystem of choice.

Keep in mind you may well get yourself into trouble if you ever configure your logging library to output to standard output or error (of the infinite recursion type, possibly).

If that's the case, you may want to just go and replace your System.out.print-type statements with real logging calls.

I had a similar need once. I needed to intercept the output of some 3rd party component and react on a error message. The concept looks like this:

private class Interceptor extends PrintStream
    public Interceptor(OutputStream out)
        super(out, true);
    public void print(String s)
    {//do what ever you like
public static void main(String[] args)
    PrintStream origOut = System.out;
    PrintStream interceptor = new Interceptor(origOut);
    System.setOut(interceptor);// just add the interceptor

The better solution is to go through and change all the println statements to use a proper logging library. What you're trying to do is a big hack.

Here is how to capture prints to System.out, and then put things back in order :

// Start capturing
ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
System.setOut(new PrintStream(buffer));

// Run what is supposed to output something

// Stop capturing
System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.out)));

// Use captured content
String content = buffer.toString();

extending PrintStream is a bad solution as you will have to override all print() and println() methods. Instead, you can capture the stream:

public class ConsoleInterceptor {

    public interface Block {
        void call() throws Exception;

    public static String copyOut(Block block) throws Exception {
        ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(bos, true);
        PrintStream oldStream = System.out;
        try {
        finally {
        return bos.toString();

Now you can capture it like this:

   String result = ConsoleInterceptor.copyOut(() ->{
        System.out.print("hello world");
    assertEquals("hello world!\nfoobar\n", result);

I applied the base idea of this and it workes fine. No need to change all the System.out.### and System.err.### stuff.

import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;   

public class Interceptor extends PrintStream
  /** the logger */
  private Logger log;
  /** the origin output stream */
  PrintStream orig;

   * Initializes a new instance of the class Interceptor.
   * @param out the output stream to be assigned
   * @param log the logger
  public Interceptor( OutputStream out, Logger log )
    super( out, true );
    this.log = log;

   * {@inheritDoc}
  protected void finalize() throws Throwable

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void print( String s )
    //do what ever you like
    orig.print( s );
    log.logO( s, true );

   * {@inheritDoc}
  public void println( String s )
    print( s + Defines.LF_GEN );

   * Attaches System.out to interceptor.
  public void attachOut()
    orig  = System.out;
    System.setOut( this );

   * Attaches System.err to interceptor.
  public void attachErr()
    orig = System.err;
    System.setErr( this );

   * Detaches System.out.
  public void detachOut()
    if( null != orig )
      System.setOut( orig );

   * Detaches System.err.
  public void detachErr()
    if( null != orig )
      System.setErr( orig );

public class InterceptionManager
  /** out */
  private Interceptor out;

  /** err */
  private Interceptor err;

  /** log  */
  private Logger log;

   * Initializes a new instance of the class InterceptionManager.
   * @param logFileName the log file name
   * @param append the append flag
  public InterceptionManager( String logFileName, boolean append )
    log = new Logger();
    log.setLogFile( logFileName, append );
    this.out = new Interceptor( System.out, log );
    this.err = new Interceptor( System.err, log );

   * {@inheritDoc}
  protected void finalize() throws Throwable
    if( null != log )

This view lines will enable logging without further code changes:

  if( writeLog )
    logFileName = this.getClassName() + "_Log.txt";
    icMan = new InterceptionManager( logFileName, false );
    System.out.format( "Logging to '%s'\n", logFileName );




验证码 换一张
取 消

