updating data from different URL using wget
What's the best way of updating data files from a website that has moved on to a new domain, with changes in their folder structure.
The old URL for example is http://folder.old-domain.com
while the new URL is http://new-domain.com/directory1/directory2
. My data is stored locally in ~/Data_Backup/folder.old-domain.com folder.
Data was originally downloaded using:
$ wget -S -t 0 -c --mirror –w 2 –k http://folder.old-domain.com
I was thinking of using mv to rename the old fold开发者_如何学Pythoner to follow the new URL pattern, but is there a better way of doing this?
Will this work? I'm not particular with the directory structure. What's important is to update the contents of the target folder (and its sub-folders.)
$ wget -S -t 0 -c -m –w 2 –k -N -np -P ~/Data_Backup/folder.old-domain.com http://new-domain.com/directory/directory
Thanks in advance.
Got it!
I need to add the following options: -nH --cut-dirs=2
and now it works.