
Hosted VisualSVN Server

Looking t开发者_高级运维o implement VisualSVN but I don't have my own server. I could install it locally and run it on my PC but if something happens to my PC I will lose everything.

So servers out there that provide an SVN service or provide hosted VisualSVN Server?

VisualSVN is just a wrapper product around Subversion. What you are looking for is a hosted Subversion service.

Related questions:

  • Opinion of Hosted SVN providers?

  • Hosted subversion recommendations or suggestions

However, if you need only local access to the repository, you could as well set up a local server, and do frequent backups. There are very affordable remote backup providers with whom it is possible to automate the process - probably cheaper (and faster) than remotely hosted SVN.

On the other hand, if you do team work, remotely hosted version control is clearly the way to go.

  1. You can install VisualSVN Server in the cloud. For example, you can easily install it on a VM in MS Azure or AWS.

  2. You can install VisualSVN Server on your PC and enable repository backup to Azure Files.

I use ProjectLocker (http://www.projectlocker.com/). It's cheap and the service is good. But there's plenty of hosted subversion providers out there.

Google Code is an good option if you're doing open source.

look up svn hosting service providers. You can pick one according to your project and team size and the number of projects.





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