iPhone icon size
I am developing an application for iPhone to support multiple devices, iPhone 2-4. I had an issue with the app icon as it was shown pixelated in the iPhone 4 simulator so I have used a new image with higher resolution (300 x 300) to be precise. On the simulator its showing fine for both iPhone 4 and the iPhone dev开发者_开发技巧ice simulators. However, when I ported my app to an iPhone 3 actual device the icon did not show at all and instead I get a blank white icon. I don't have an iPhone 4 yet so I cant tell if the same issue will happen on the physical device.
I am not sure what is the best dimensions/dpi to use for an icon to display perfectly on an iPhone 4 and older devices? Would appreciate a help if possible..
For older devices, save your 57x57 icon as Icon.png
. For the iPhone 4, save your 114x114 icon as Icon@2x.png
. The image resolution doesn't matter at all; only the pixel dimensions matter.
There are other sizes to cater to, like Spotlight/Settings icons and iPad icons. There's a full list written up in the library documentation.
As the iOS device range got a whole lot more complicated in recent years, here is a current list of icons and their requirements for each platform:
iOS 7+
iPhone and iPod touch
Both of these sizes are required:
120px x 120px
60px x 60px (standard resolution)
Both of these sizes are required:
152px x 152px
76px x 76px (standard resolution)
App Store
Create a large version of your app icon in two sizes so that it looks good on all devices:
1024px x 1024px
512px x 512px (standard resolution)
//Be sure to name this version of your app icon iTunesArtwork@2x and iTunesArtwork, respectively.
Spotlight search results on iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad (recommended)
Create an icon in the following two sizes:
80px x 80px
40px x 40px (standard resolution)
Settings on iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad (recommended /wSB)
Create an icon in the following two sizes:
58px x 58px
29px x 29px (standard resolution)
iOS 6.1-
iPhone Only
Image(px) File Name Used For Required Status
512x512 iTunesArtwork Ad Hoc iTunes Optional
1024x1024 iTunesArtwork@2x Ad Hoc iTunes HiRes Optional
57x57 Icon.png App Store and Home screen Required
114x114 Icon@2x.png Home screen iPhone 4/5 Optional
72x72 Icon-72.png Home screen (iPad compatibility) Optional
29x29 Icon-Small.png Spotlight and Settings Optional
50x50 Icon-Small-50.png Spotlight (iPad compatibility) Recommended(/wSB)
58x58 Icon-Small@2x.png Spotlight and Settings iPhone 4/5 Recommended(/wSB)
iPad only
Image(px) File Name Used For Required Status
512x512 iTunesArtwork Ad Hoc iTunes Optional
1024x1024 iTunesArtwork@2x Ad Hoc iTunes HiRes Optional
72x72 Icon-72.png App Store and Home screen iPad Required
144x144 Icon-72@2x.png App Store and Home screen HiRes Optional
50x50 Icon-Small-50.png Spotlight on iPad Optional
29x29 Icon-Small.png Settings on iPad Recommended(/wSB)
Universal Apps
Image(px) File Name Used For Required Status
512x512 iTunesArtwork Ad Hoc iTunes Optional
1024x1024 iTunesArtwork@2x Ad Hoc iTunes HiRes Optional
57x57 Icon.png App Store and Home screen Required
114x114 Icon@2x.png Home screen iPhone 4/5 Optional
72x72 Icon-72.png App Store and Home screen iPad Required
144x144 Icon-72@2x.png App Store and Home screen HiRes Optional
29x29 Icon-Small.png Spotlight and Settings Optional
50x50 Icon-Small-50.png Spotlight iPad Recommended(/wSB)
58x58 Icon-Small@2x.png Spotlight and Settings iPhone 4/5 Recommended(/wSB)
*(/wSB) = Recommended if you have a Settings bundle, otherwise optional but recommended
Please follow these guidelines: http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/documentation/userexperience/conceptual/mobilehig/IconsImages/IconsImages.html
I have not seen the pixelated issue on the iOS4 simulator like you did using an app that was originally written for iOS3+ with a standard 57x57 icon.
Ive put all the images named correctly at the correct size into a github repo, so there can be no confusion.
Just download them as a zip, edit them and copy them into your project
You can set the various icon image names in the plist, under "icon files".
Make sure that "Icon.png" and "Icon@2x.png" are capitalized or else the application archive will not pass the validation process.