Ideatorrent open source alternative [closed]
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Closed 7 years ago.
Improve this questionAre there any open source not drupal bundeled alternatives to the not very active Ideatorrent project?
Pligg is the only one which seems to have some voting features like IdeaTorrent although it looks to be more focussed on voting for stories than voting for ideas.
Perhaps a Pligg user can comment on its suitability as a replacement for IdeaTorrent?
How about BBYIDX, the tool behind Best Buy IdeaX that has been open sourced.
OpenideaL, also a drupal based product, does exactly that:
I was thinking that if you added 'voting' to the open source KB software 68KB ( then you could use votes to add 'weight' to the KB articles and that would have the same effect.
KB articles would be 'ideas', and users can add comments and vote.