
How Can I Tell If My Site Is Running ASP.NET MVC or Web Forms?

I am a non-coder that needs to get some information to my developer. One of the questions was whether we we开发者_C百科re running ASP.NET MVC or Web Forms? What is the best way I can tell this. If you want to take a look, the site is at http://sokanu.com (just a splash page)

Thanks guys

It's running WebForms.

You can tell by the Viewstate in the page source.

Check the HTTP response headers. ASP.NET MVC 1.0 generated pages will have:


As SLaks says, you can tell it is Web Forms because the page has a __VIEWSTATE field. Because it is a splash page, the view-state is nearly empty and the page does not need to be Web Forms at all. You need to look at the rest of the site to ascertain how much Web Forms and code is there. You can definitely mix Web Forms and MVC.

Also, (although not concrete), typically with a WebForms application, you're pages end with .aspx extensions, and with MVC you benefit from pretty urls.





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