
How can I factor this Haskell expression to avoid repeated computation?

I have this function (produces the fibonacci sequence):

unfoldr (\(p1, p2) -> Just (p1+p2, (p1+p2, p1))开发者_StackOverflow社区 ) (0, 1)

In here, I notice a repeated expression, p1+p2, which I would like to factor so that it is only calculated once. Addition itself isn't an expensive calculation, but for a more general version:

unfoldr (\(p1, p2) -> Just (f p1 p2, (f p1 p2, p1)) ) (0, 1)
    where f = arbitrary, possibly time-consuming function

In the above situation, f p1 p2 is calculated twice (unless there's some magic compiler optimisation I don't know about), which could create a performance bottleneck if f required a lot of computation. I can't factor f p1 p2 into a where because p1 and p2 are not in scope. What is the best way to factor this expression so that f is only calculated once?

unfoldr (\(p1, p2) -> let x = f p1 p2 in Just (x, (x, p1)) ) (0, 1)
    where f = arbitrary, possibly time-consuming function

in Control.Arrow there is (&&&) which can be used in something like this:

unfoldr (\(p1,p2) -> (Just . (id &&& flip (,) p1)) (p1+p2)) (0,1)

or even:

unfoldr (Just . (fst &&& id) . (uncurry (+) &&& fst)) (0,1)

As well in your example p1+p2 is actually next p1 so you can rewrite it like

tail (unfoldr (\(p1, p2) -> Just (p1, (p1+p2, p1)) ) (0, 1))




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