
Sending in values in a NSTextField: objective c

Ok, so I have an NSTextField and an NSSlider. In interface builder, I got the float value from the NSSlider to go into the NSTextField. BUT, I nee开发者_StackOverflow中文版d a button that sends the text from the text field in so I can get the value in my code. That text field can also accept manual input so I cannot just link the NSSlider to my code. This is similar to pressing enter or when editing is finished. But I just need a button that sends all that data in when I click it.

Any ideas??


Follow Cocoa's MVC design.

Your text field and slider should take the values they present from some model object, and when the user manipulates them should push the new value to that model object.

You should not be using an NSTextField as an "intermediary" between another NSControl and a model object.

The button is optional. You can link the TextField's "Value Changed" event to a function, then updates the Slider's value with the TextField's value.





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