CLR Regex for fractions
I need a CLR Regex for fractions or whole numbers and fractions where
is correct
12 2/3
is correct too
and a minus sign can popup just before any number.
I first came up with -?([0-9]* )?-?[0-9]+\/-?[0-9]+
but that seems to allow 2/7 12
too for example.
Well, that regex would be in two parts, the (optional) whole number:
(:?-?\d+ )?
and the fractional part:
And we need to match the complete string; so:
^(:?-?\d+ )?-?\d+/-?\d+$
Testing a bit:
PS> $re=[regex]'^(:?-?\d+ )?-?\d+/-?\d+$'
PS> "1/2","12 1/2","-12 2/3","-5/8","5/-8"|%{$_ -match $re} | gu
However, this allows for "-12 -2/-3"
as well, or things like "1 -1/2"
which don't make much sense.
ETA: Your original regex works, too. It just lacked the anchors for begin and end of the string (^
and $
, respectively). Adding those make it work correctly.
I just had a similar requirement, but I wanted to match decimal numbers as well. I came up with the following regex
Or just this if you don't want named groups
To remove the decimal number from validating, it would be shortened to
Hope this helps someone!
try this , just for single fraction and not the whole number