
parsing user-typed Full Text Search queries into WHERE clause of MySQL using PHP

I want to convert user typed FTS queries in to MySQL's WHERE clause. So开发者_如何转开发 the functionality will be something like Gmail's search. So users will be able to type:

from:me AND (to:john OR to:jenny) dinner

Although I don't think it is important, the table structure will be something like:

 - id
 - from
 - to
 - title
 - description
 - time_created

 - id
 - message_id
 - comment
 - time_created

Since this is a common problem, I thought there may be already existing solution. Is there any?

P.S. There is a similar question like this here, but it is for SQL Server.

The following code consists of the classes Tokenizer, Token and QueryBuilder. It is probably not the most elegant solution ever, but it actually does what you were asking:

// QueryBuilder Grammar:
// =====================
// SearchRule       := SimpleSearchRule { KeyWord }
// SimpleSearchRule := Expression | SimpleSearchRule { 'OR' Expression }
// Expression       := SimpleExpression | Expression { 'AND' SimpleExpression }
// SimpleExpression := '(' SimpleSearchRule ')' | FieldExpression

$input = 'from:me AND (to:john OR to:jenny) dinner party';

$fieldMapping = array(
    'id' => 'id',
    'from' => 'from',
    'to' => 'to',
    'title' => 'title',
    'description' => 'description',
    'time_created' => 'time_created'
$fullTextFields = array('title','description');

$qb = new QueryBuilder($fieldMapping, $fullTextFields);
try {
    echo $qb->parseSearchRule($input);
} catch(Exception $error) {
    echo 'Error occurred while parsing search query: <br/>'.$error->getMessage();

class Token {
    const   KEYWORD = 'KEYWORD',
    public $type;
    public $chars;
    public $position;

    function __construct($type,$chars,$position) {
        $this->type = $type;
        $this->chars = $chars;
        $this->position = $position;

    function __toString() {
        return 'Token[ type='.$this->type.', chars='.$this->chars.', position='.$this->position.' ]';

class Tokenizer {
    private $tokens = array();
    private $input;
    private $currentPosition;

    function __construct($input) {
        $this->input = trim($input);
        $this->currentPosition = 0;

     * @return Token
    function getToken() {
        if(count($this->tokens)==0) {
            $token = $this->nextToken();
            if($token==null) {
                return null;
            array_push($this->tokens, $token);
        return $this->tokens[0];

    function consumeToken() {
        $token = $this->getToken();
        if($token==null) {
            return null;
        return $token;

    protected function nextToken() {
        $reservedCharacters = '\:\s\(\)';
        $fieldExpr = '/^([^'.$reservedCharacters.']+)\:([^'.$reservedCharacters.']+)/';
        $keyWord = '/^([^'.$reservedCharacters.']+)/';
        $andOperator = '/^AND\s/';
        $orOperator = '/^OR\s/';
        // Remove whitespaces ..
        $whiteSpaces = '/^\s+/';
        $remaining = substr($this->input,$this->currentPosition);
        if(preg_match($whiteSpaces, $remaining, $matches)) {
            $this->currentPosition += strlen($matches[0]);
            $remaining = substr($this->input,$this->currentPosition);
        if($remaining=='') {
            return null;
        switch(substr($remaining,0,1)) {
            case '(':
                return new Token(Token::OPEN_PAR,'(',$this->currentPosition++);
            case ')':
                return new Token(Token::CLOSE_PAR,')',$this->currentPosition++);
        if(preg_match($fieldExpr, $remaining, $matches)) {
            $token = new Token(Token::FIELD, $matches[0], $this->currentPosition);
            $this->currentPosition += strlen($matches[0]);
        } else if(preg_match($andOperator, $remaining, $matches)) {
            $token = new Token(Token::AND_OP, 'AND', $this->currentPosition);
            $this->currentPosition += 3;
        } else if(preg_match($orOperator, $remaining, $matches)) {
            $token = new Token(Token::OR_OP, 'OR', $this->currentPosition);
            $this->currentPosition += 2;
        } else if(preg_match($keyWord, $remaining, $matches)) {
            $token = new Token(Token::KEYWORD, $matches[0], $this->currentPosition);
            $this->currentPosition += strlen($matches[0]);
        } else throw new Exception('Unable to tokenize: '.$remaining);
        return $token;

class QueryBuilder {
    private $fieldMapping;
    private $fulltextFields;

    function __construct($fieldMapping, $fulltextFields) {
        $this->fieldMapping = $fieldMapping;
        $this->fulltextFields = $fulltextFields;

    function parseSearchRule($input) {
        $t = new Tokenizer($input);
        $token = $t->getToken();
        if($token==null) {
            return '';
        $token = $t->getToken();
        if($token->type!=Token::KEYWORD) {
            $searchRule = $this->parseSimpleSearchRule($t);
        } else {
            $searchRule = '';
        $keywords = '';
        while($token = $t->consumeToken()) {
            if($token->type!=Token::KEYWORD) {
                throw new Exception('Only keywords allowed at end of search rule.');
            if($keywords!='') {
                $keywords .= ' ';
            $keywords .= $token->chars;
        if($keywords!='') {
            $matchClause = 'MATCH (`'.(implode('`,`',$this->fulltextFields)).'`) AGAINST (';
            $keywords = $matchClause.'\''.mysql_real_escape_string($keywords).'\' IN BOOLEAN MODE)';
            if($searchRule=='') {
                $searchRule = $keywords;
            } else {
                $searchRule = '('.$searchRule.') AND ('.$keywords.')';
        return $searchRule;

    protected function parseSimpleSearchRule(Tokenizer $t) {
        $expressions = array();
        do {
            $repeat = false;
            $expressions[] = $this->parseExpression($t);
            $token = $t->getToken();
            if($token->type==Token::OR_OP) {
                $repeat = true;
        } while($repeat);
        return implode(' OR ', $expressions);

    protected function parseExpression(Tokenizer $t) {
        $expressions = array();
        do {
            $repeat = false;
            $expressions[] = $this->parseSimpleExpression($t);
            $token = $t->getToken();
            if($token->type==Token::AND_OP) {
                $repeat = true;
        } while($repeat);
        return implode(' AND ', $expressions);

    protected function parseSimpleExpression(Tokenizer $t) {
        $token = $t->consumeToken();
        if($token->type==Token::OPEN_PAR) {
            $spr = $this->parseSimpleSearchRule($t);
            $token = $t->consumeToken();
            if($token==null || $token->type!=Token::CLOSE_PAR) {
                throw new Exception('Expected closing parenthesis, found: '.$token->chars);
            return '('.$spr.')';
        } else if($token->type==Token::FIELD) {
            $fieldVal = explode(':', $token->chars,2);
            if(isset($this->fieldMapping[$fieldVal[0]])) {
                return '`'.$this->fieldMapping[$fieldVal[0]].'` = \''.mysql_real_escape_string($fieldVal[1]).'\'';
            throw new Exception('Unknown field selected: '.$token->chars);
        } else {
            throw new Exception('Expected opening parenthesis or field-expression, found: '.$token->chars);

A more proper solution would first build a parse tree, and then transform it into a query, after some further analysis.

Your question has two parts

  1. how do I parse a query
  2. how do I construct a full text search from the query I parsed

The first one is quite a difficult subject. a quick search found nothing that equates to what you want. you may be on your own with that one

Don't bother with question 2 until you get question 1 right.

Rather than create a parser that can deal with the query syntax you propose e.g. from:me AND (to:john OR to:jenny) dinner perhaps a simple form may be the answer. provide a list of choices for the user to search on.

In that way you can get the service up and running and in a future revision attack the harder question of how to create a parser to do what you want.

When doing part 2 be very careful to protect against sql injection attacks. for example do not take the table names directly from the query, instead use a lookup.

Not the answer you wanted, but I don't know if you'll find an out of the box answer. defining your question better is the clue. and google is your friend.


You might want to look at...




The above link to 2 very different parser implementations (the second link broke stackoverflow so I codeified it)






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