ASP.NET Binding with EVAL
I'm trying to do the following for combobox:
Text='<%# IIf(Eval("Name").ToString().Equals(""), Bind("Other"), Bind("Name") %>'
What I'm trying to do is if the "开发者_运维技巧Name" column is empty then bind to "Other" column, otherwise bind to "Name" column.
Anyone know the right syntax, keep getting object not set to reference. I'm doing this in VB.Net.
JimTry this (Edited)
Text='<%# If(Not Eval("Name").ToString.Length = 0, Eval("Name") , Eval("Other")) %>'
If this doesn't work, then you might have to build a Code Behind method
Text='<%# RetrieveName(Eval("Name"),Eval("Other"))'
Code Behind
Public Function RetrieveName(Byval name As String?, Byval other As String?) As String
If Not String.IsDBNull(name) Then
return name
ElseIf String.IsDBNull(name) AndAlso Not String.IsDBNull(other) Then
return other
return String.Empty
End If
End Function
Text='<%# IIf(Eval("Name").Equals(DBNull.Value), Eval("Other") , Eval("Name")) %>'