
MVVM pattern books? [closed]

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are there any MVVM pattern books out there or at leas开发者_StackOverflowt books that handle that topic? I couldn't really find any book about that, any recommendation? Thanks!

  • Pro WPF and Silverlight MVVM Effective Application Development with Model-View-ViewModel http://apress.com/book/view/1430231629

  • Building Enterprise Applications with Windows Presentation Foundation and the Model View ViewModel Pattern http://www.amazon.com/Enterprise-Applications-Presentation-Foundation-ViewModel/dp/0735650926/

  • Silverlight 4 in Action (has a chapter on MVVM) http://www.amazon.com/Silverlight-4-Action-Pete-Brown/dp/1935182374/

I can recommend Advanced MVVM by Josh Smith. If you already know WPF or Silverlight it's a great intro to MVVM. Keep in mind that it's an e-book.





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