
Android build failure

I followed instructions from here. After $ repo sync I tried to build it with $ make, but got this error:

host SharedLib: libneo_cgi (out/host/linux-x86/obj/lib/libneo_cgi.so) 
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../../libz.so when searching fo开发者_开发技巧r -lz 
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../../libz.a when searching for -lz 
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libz.so when searching for -lz 
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libz.a when searching for -lz 
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz 
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status 
make: *** [out/host/linux-x86/obj/lib/libneo_cgi.so] Error 1 

Using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. Any help appreciated.

UPD: I found a discussion, that claims, that problem could be that I'm having 64bit libs on my 32bit system.

$ ls -l /usr/lib/libz.so 
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 2010-07-07 17:08 /usr/lib/libz.so -> /lib/libz.so.

$ file /lib/libz.so.
/lib/libz.so. ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped

How do I figure out, if that libz.so. is the right lib, and in case I have to replace it with the right one, how do I do it?

Also, $ arch says, I have an i686 architecture. Machine, I'm using is Lenovo ThinkPad SL500 with Core 2 DUO CPU.

Everything works now, the solution was to install lib64z1-dev:

sudo apt-get install lib64z1-dev

Edit: now there's another problem, with ClearSilver, described here and finally resolved here.

You need to install libz.

sudo apt-get install libz-dev

libz library has different name in different distros

lib32z1 on debian system





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