
c# parse a string that contains conditions , key=value

I m giving a string that contains several different combination of data.

For example :

string data = "(age=20&gender=male) or (city=newyork)"

string data1 = "(job=engineer&gender=female)"

string data2 = "(foo =1 or foo = 2) & (bar =1)"

I need to parse this string and create structure out of it and i have to evaluate this to a condition of another object. eg: if the object has these properties, then do something , else skip etc.

What are the best practices to do this?

Should i use a parser such as antlr and generate tokens out of the string. etc.?

remind开发者_运维问答er : there are several combinations of how this string is created. but it s all and/or.

Something like ANTLR is probably overkill for this.

A simple implementation of the shunting-yard algorithm would probably do the trick quite nicely.

Using regular expressions may work if the example is very simple, but it will more likely lead to a code that is impossible to maintain. Using some other approach to parsing seems like a good idea.

  • I would take a look at NCalc - it is mainly focused on parsing mathematical expressions, but it seems to be quite customizable (you can specify your functions and constants), so it may work in your scenario as well.

  • If this is too complex for your purpose, you can use any "parser generator" for C#. Using ANTLR is one great option - here is an example that shows how to start writing something like your example Five minute introduction to ANTLR

  • You could also try using F#, which is a great language for this kind of problem. See for example FsLex Sample by Chris Smith, which shows a simple mathematical evaluator - processing the parsed expression in F# would be a lot easier than in C#. In F#, you could also use FParsec, which is very lightweight, but may be a bit difficult to follow if you're not used to F#.

I suggest you to have a look at regular expressions: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/dotnet/regextutorial.aspx

Antlr is a great tool, but you can probably do this with regular expressions. One of the nice things about the .NET regex engine is support for nested constructs. See


and this SO post.

Seems like you might want to use Regular Expressions to do this.

Read up a little bit on Regular Expressions in .NET. Here are some good articles:

  • http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hs600312.aspx
  • http://www.regular-expressions.info/dotnet.html

When it comes time to write/test your Regular expression i would highly recommend using RegExLib.com's regex tester.





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