
Facebook application under a Fans page TAB?

I managed to build a basic IFrame application, using the Graph API. I wanted to be able to load this application via Fans Pages' tabs - Only to realize Facebook doesn't like the idea of using iframes under said tabs. (I know of a workaround, which is not acceptable...)

So I gather I should start over doing it a Static FBML Application, and not IFrame - for meeting my tabs requirement. My question is... where do I start? How do I auth a specific application?

any helpful references/guides will be very appreciated. (avoid links to Facebook's documentation, they're 开发者_JS百科sad.)

Thanks, Doori Bar

How to prompt a user to authorize an app from FBML:

        <a href="http://www.facebook.com/login.php?api_key={$fbApiKey}&v=1.0">Authorize This App</a> 

How to ask for extra permissions:

First you will need to check from PHP FB Api if user has granted you required permissions, if not, then pass some flag to FBML to display this code:

        if($noPermissionFlag) {
            echo '<fb:prompt-permission perms="publish_stream,email">Would you like to allow this app posting to your wall?</fb:prompt-permission>';

That's how it would work in a regular FBML canvas app. Not sure about putting this in tab.





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取 消

