
Use IF in a mySQL query [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.

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I'm trying to make a SELECT where I need to select a specified table by a column wich define the type of subject:

id      name                location      source_type      source_id
1       NY Appartament      New York      0                NULL
2       Guggenheim  Museum  Manhattan     1                27
3       MoMA                New York      2                3

table_url // source type == 1
id      name               url
27      Guggenheim  Site   http://www.guggenheim.org/

table_books // source type == 2
id      name               pages           sample         author
3       World Museums      125-127         path/img.jpg   John Smith

I don't know if it's possible, but I have some problem to solve it without an IF statement inside my query because I can find the right table by the sou开发者_开发知识库rce_type column of table_buildings

does exist soma tecnique to use an IF inside a SELECT query?

I'd just join both tables and use COALESCE for duplicate column names in the joined tables.

SELECT COALESCE(table_url.name, table_books.name) as name, url, pages, sample author FROM table_buildings
LEFT OUTER JOIN table_url ON table_buildings.source_type = 1 AND table_buildings.source_id = table_url.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN table_books ON table_buildings.source_type = 2 AND table_buildings.source_id = table_books .id

I am afraid the only possible way is select from all tables unconditionally. Not a much overhead though.
Just left join as much tables as you need. ones with no corresponding information will just return nulls.

You could UNION three different SELECTs that JOIN to the three tables with WHERE clauses.

Alternatively, you could join against all three tables in one query and use a CASE operator to select a column from the appropiate joined table based on source_type.

you can use "CASE WHEN" in the SELECT.

 CASE WHEN table_buildings.source_type = 0
  THEN ""
  ELSE CASE WHEN table_buildings.source_type = 1
   THEN table_url.name
   ELSE table_books.name
  END CASE AS source_name
FROM table_buildings
LEFT JOIN table_url
ON table_buildings.source_id = table_url.id
LEFT JOIN table_books
ON table_buildings.source_id = table_books.id




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