Matlab big matrix
I'm trying to use matlab for the first time but I'm having a problem because the matrix I'm using is too big, I think.. I command I'm trying is:
And I'm getting the following error: Error: Unexpected MATLAB expression.
Does anyone have a solution for this?
Thanks in advance !
That matrix is tiny :-) Matlab can handle millions of elements per matrix.
However, on the second line, you have an extra bracket that ruins things:
...17;1692017;169201 ] 7;5...
Get rid of it, and you'll be fine!
Seems like you are trying to do a matrix, but typing its code wrongly. First, the ; separates lines; if you want to separaate columns in a row you have to use a space.
And you have two closing ], while you have only one opening [ which is clearly incorrect