
Generics doesn't work for return type

How come java doesn't allow the following generic return type:

public <T extends Enum<T> & MyInterface> Class<T> getEnum() {
    return MyEnum.class;

While the following does work:

public <T extends Enum<T> & MyInterface> Class<T> getEnum(Class<T> t) {
    return t;


MyEnum is an enumaration that implements the interface MyInterface.

Why am I not allowed to return MyEnum.class?


I need this because the function ge开发者_运维问答tEnum() is in an interface. It could be defined as follows:

public Class<MyEnum> getEnum() {
    return MyEnum.class;

But what would then then be the return type of the interface method to allow any Class object of a class that is both an enum and implements MyInterface?

Your method is parameterized by T - the idea is that the caller gets to specify what T is - not the method implementation.

The call to the second method works because T is implicitly specified (by the caller) to be MyEnum.

I've found the answer to my second question too:

The interface with the generic type needs to be parameterized:

public interface MyEnumReturner <T extends Enum<T> & MyInterface>
    public Class<T> getEnum(Class<T> t);

Then the class implementing the interface defines which type to use:

public class MyClass implments MyEnumReturner<MyEnum>
    public Class<MyEnum> getEnum() {
        return MyEnum.class;





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