
Where can I obtain a list of User Agents for SEO bots? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.

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I am implementing a simplistic filter on how much of my site unregistered users can acces. Natu开发者_运维知识库rally, I want to give SEO bots free reign/access to most of the site.

I know this is simplistic. But its not worth doing anything more complicated. I need to compile a list of names of user agents I will allow, for this, I need a list of the names of the bots, starting with Googlebot (I don't even know if that is the official spelling of Gogles web crawling bot).

Anyone I would like a link to a definite resource that gives the names of the SEO indexing bots?. I tried http://www.user-agents.org/ but the granularity is not fine enough - it appears to list every user agent ever created!

Try this list: http://www.useragentstring.com/pages/useragentstring.php?typ=Crawler

Although the combination of Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, Ask, and AOL represent virtually 100% of the search engine market. So I would recommend adding the crawler user agents for just those to your filter and you really don't need to worry about the rest.

You should also remember to avoid seeing your content through search engine's cache then:

<meta name=”robots” content=”noarchive”>





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