Send character to serial port
I would like to send the character 'a' to the serial port.
I tried:
but it's not actually sending the character 'a' to my board.
Any ideas?
I share to you a class created by me in a productive project. This Handles the serial connection and reading and writing buffer:
public class CommSERIAL : IComm
#region Events
public event EventHandler EvtOnConnect;
public event EventHandler EvtOnDisconnect;
public event EventHandler<OnDataReceivedEventArgs> EvtOnDataReceived;
System.IO.Ports.SerialPort Rs232 = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort();
private string m_Port;
public string Port
get { return m_Port; }
set { m_Port = value; }
private int m_Baud;
public int Baud
get { return m_Baud; }
set { m_Baud = value; }
private int m_DataBit;
public int DataBit
get { return m_DataBit; }
set { m_DataBit = value; }
private System.IO.Ports.StopBits m_stopBits;
public System.IO.Ports.StopBits StopBits
get { return m_stopBits; }
set { m_stopBits = value; }
private System.IO.Ports.Parity m_parity;
public System.IO.Ports.Parity Parity
get { return m_parity; }
set { m_parity = value; }
public void Connect()
if (!(Rs232.IsOpen))
Rs232.PortName = this.Port;
Rs232.BaudRate = this.Baud; ;
Rs232.DataBits = this.DataBit;
Rs232.StopBits = this.StopBits;
Rs232.Parity = this.Parity;
Rs232.ReadTimeout = 5000;
Rs232.Handshake = System.IO.Ports.Handshake.None;
Rs232.ReadTimeout = 1000;
Rs232.WriteTimeout = 500;
public void Disconnect()
if (EvtOnDisconnect != null)
EvtOnDisconnect(new object(), new System.EventArgs());
m_Connected = false;
public CommSERIAL()
this.ConnType = ConnType.Direct;
public bool Connected
return m_Connected;
private ConnType m_ConnType;
public ConnType ConnType
get { return m_ConnType; }
set { m_ConnType = value; }
public string ReadOnByte(int Lenght,char EndChar)
char[] bytes = new char[Lenght];
string ret = "";
int numBytesRead = 0;
while (bytes[numBytesRead] != EndChar && numBytesRead <= bytes.Length)
while (Rs232.Read(bytes, numBytesRead, 1) == 1 && bytes[numBytesRead] != EndChar && numBytesRead <= bytes.Length)
foreach (char b in bytes)
ret += b.ToString();
return ret.Substring(0,numBytesRead);
public String ReadBuffer()
if (Rs232.IsOpen)
Byte[] readBuffer = new Byte[Rs232.ReadBufferSize + 1];
// If there are bytes available on the serial port,
// Read returns up to "count" bytes, but will not block (wait)
// for the remaining bytes. If there are no bytes available
// on the serial port, Read will block until at least one byte
// is available on the port, up until the ReadTimeout milliseconds
// have elapsed, at which time a TimeoutException will be thrown.
Int32 count = Rs232.Read(readBuffer, 0, Rs232.ReadBufferSize);
String SerialIn = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(readBuffer, 0, count);
return SerialIn;
catch (TimeoutException) { return ""; }
return "";
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
public string Read()
return Rs232.ReadExisting();
public string ReadAll()
return "";
public void Write(string Data)
if (Rs232 == null)
throw new Exception("Must be connected before Write");
if (!Rs232.IsOpen)
throw new Exception("Must be opened before Write");
public void ClearBuffer()
private bool m_Connected;
#region IComm Members
private int m_Id;
public int Id
return m_Id;
m_Id = value;
public override string ToString()
return this.ConnType.ToString();
#region IComm Members
public interface IComm { ConnType ConnType { get; set; }
bool Connected
int Id
void Connect();
void Disconnect();
void Write(string Data);
string Read();
string ReadOnByte(int Lenght, char EndChar);
String ReadBuffer();
void ClearBuffer();
string ReadAll();
event EventHandler EvtOnConnect;
event EventHandler EvtOnDisconnect;
event EventHandler<EventArgs.OnDataReceivedEventArgs> EvtOnDataReceived;
I hope that works for you
Are you using the serial port class?
How do you know that it isn't sending the character? Is it possible that the baud/word length/parity setting are off and your board is just not recognizing the character?
Also, why c#? Just seems an odd choice for hardware IO.