Favorite emacs minor mode? [closed]
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Closed 6 years ago.
开发者_如何学Go Improve this questionI just discovered tabbar, a minor mode that provides firefox like tabs in emacs.
I also modify org-mode into a minor mode and use it with other major modes for code folding and organizing my code, for example: (ahk-org-mode ) What are your favorite minor modes.Are there major modes that you have turned into minor modes so you can use them with other major modes ?
autopair - Automatically pair braces and quotes in emacs like TextMate
paredit - ultimate sexp editing mode, one cannot do serious Lisp programming without it
flyspell and cousing flyspell-prog-mode - great on the fly spellchecking
eldoc - on the fly hints about function parameters, etc in several languages like Emacs Lisp, Perl...
yasnippet - template expansion framework ala TextMate bundles
auto-revert-mode - reverts buffers, if underlying files have been changed externally
hl-line - highlights the current line
windmove - easier navigation between many open windows in Emacs
show-paren-mode - highlight matching parenthesis, making it easier to spot errors with their pairing
All those minor modes are simply Godsend! I cannot live without them and they make my whole editing experience that much more enjoyable and productive...
Btw you can see much of the customizations and modes that I use in my configuration publicly available here(most of the minor mode stuff is in misc-config.el). I also recommend to everyone to follow the excellent blog Emacs Fu, when I've picked many interesting modes over the past couple of years.
I like auto-complete (for code completion): http://cx4a.org/software/auto-complete/
- Icicles mostly for command completion.
- Flymake for simple syntax checks.
Parentheses matching, my favorite of which is mic-paren
- Anaconda
- Anzu
- Company
- Diff-Hl
- Flycheck
- Flyspell
- Multiple cursors
- Helm
- Projectile
- Smartparens
- Yasnippet
- Undo-Tree
- Slime
I have been using Emacs for a long time and I have to say that my configuration has changed several times because of changing the main Programming language, related tools, etc. However, regardless of the tasks you are performing with Emacs the following minor-modes would improve your productivity.
- Helm
The helm mode basically could be used to auto-complete anything (actually it's a fork for the original anything.el mode). You can use it for quick buffer switch, opening files or switching quickly to a file on any project when combined with the projectile mode. You need just to know few letters of what you would like to do helm will auto-complete an narrow the selection list keeping only entries that match with your criteria. You can enable the fuzzy behavior for several functionalities which is very powerful. For more details:
- Projectile
If you are a developer that works with several code branches, etc this is a must. With projectile you can easily switch between the different projects, open files that belong to your current project, etc. Combined with Helm it offers a very powerful tool to navigate easily in any project even if you are not familiar with the code tree structure.
- diff-hl
Very interesting mode with minimal interface that lets you navigate your changes when you are working on a file with version control. It supports the main VCS like subversion, git, mercurial. etc. Additionally you revert separate chucks of code, see the differences with the repository and more features.
- iedit
- diminuish
- Uniquify
These are more or less the minor modes I normally use. The following modes/configurations are also useful if you are working with the spicified programming language:
- C/C++
Just install the irony-mode and install the auto-complete mode.
- C#
The omnisharp mode basically lets you use the powerful VisualStudio's intellisense auto-completion from your emacs. You just need to run the omnisharp server with your .sln and that's all!. Normally I combine it with the company auto-complete mode.
- Python
I'm using Jedi and it works like a charm.