Determine caller within stored proc or trigger
I am working with an insert trigger within a Sybase database. I know I can access the @@nestlevel to determine whether I am being called directly or as a result of another trigger or procedure.
Is there any way to determine, when the nesting level is deeper than 1, who performed the action causing the trigger to fire?
For example, was the table inserted to d开发者_如何学Pythonirectly, was it inserted into by another trigger and if so, which one.
As far as I know, this is not possible. Your best bet is to include it as a parameter to your stored procedure(s). As explained here, this will also make your code more portable since any method used would likely rely on some database-specific call. The link there was specific for SQL Server 2005, not Sybase, but I think you're pretty much in the same boat.
I've not tested this myself, but assuming you are using Sybase ASE 15.03 or later, have your monitoring tables monProcessStatement and monSysStatement enabled, and appropriate permissions set to allow them to be accessed from your trigger you could try...
declare @parent_proc_id int
if @@nestlevel > 1
create table #temp_parent_proc (
procId int,
nestLevel int,
contextId int
insert into #temp_parent_proc
select mss.ProcedureID,
from monSysStatement mss
join monProcessStatement mps
on mss.KPID = mps.KPID
and mss.BatchID = mps.BatchID
and mss.SPID = mps.SPID
where mps.ProcedureID =@@procid
and mps.SPID = @@spid
select @parent_proc_id = (select tpp.procId
from #temp_parent_proc tpp,
#temp_parent_proc2 tpp2
where tpp.nestLevel = tpp2.nestLevel-1
and tpp.contextId < tpp2.contextId
and tpp2.procId = @@procid
and tpp2.nestLevel = @@nestlevel
group by tpp.procId, tpp.contextId
having tpp.contextId = max(tpp.contextId ))
drop table #temp_parent_proc
The temp table is required because of the nature of monProcessStatement and monSysStatement. monProcessStatement is transient and so if you reference it more than once, it may no longer hold the same rows. monSysStatement is a historic table and is guaranteed to only return an individual rown once to any process accessing it.
if you do not have or want to set permissions to access the monitoring tables, you could put this into a stored procedure you pass @@procid, @@spid, and @@nestlevel to as parameters.
If this also isn't an option, since you cannot pass parameters into triggers, another possible work around would be to use a temporary table.
in each proc that might trigger this...
create table #trigger_parent (proc_id int)
insert into #trigger_parent @@procid
then in your trigger the temp table will be available...
if object_id('#trigger_parent') is not null
set @parent_proc = select l proc_id from #trigger_parent
you will know it was triggered from within another proc.
The trouble with this is it doesn't 'just work'. You have to enforce temp table setup. You could do further checking to find cases where there is no #trigger_parent but the nesting level > 1 and combine a similar query to the monitoring tables as above to find potential candidates that would need to be updated.