
Public Wildcard Domain Name To Resolve To [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.

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Is anyone aware of a public wildcard domain name that resolves to IP address For example if I wanted to test a URL locally such as mywebsite.localhost.com or example.localhost.com but I don't have control of DNS settings (hosts file or whatever) then I would use this public DNS to resolve to It needs to be wildcarded so that no matter whatever comes before localhost.com it still resolves to


VMWare maintains this for their open cloud platform.

37Signals created a complete domain for mapping to any IP you want, http://xip.io. So for localhost you can using project.

I've had to starting using this for some proxy tools, as they were choking on request that didn't resolved to an IP using an external DNS call.

  • smackaho.st
  • 42foo.com

I've just found a great solution: lvh.me

you can try it:

  • http://lvh.me
  • http://sub.lvh.me

We've got a domain you can actually remember for this.


We'll maintain it for as long as we're able.

Developing with subdomains just got a lot easier: *.lacolhost.com

http://localhost.tv does the trick :-)

I bought since none of the existing 85 localhost domains were pointing at localhost...

Note: This domain has now lapsed so won't work as described below.

It looks like *.127-0-0-1.org.uk will do what you need.



  • http://www.127-0-0-1.org.uk/
  • http://test1.127-0-0-1.org.uk/
  • http://127-0-0-1.org.uk/
  • http://foo.bar.127-0-0-1.org.uk/

http://*.localtest.me seems to work, except readme.localtest.me.

If nothing else, you could just register a domain for yourself and set it up so that's how it behaves.

You can go to http://afraid.org and register one.. You can get free domains(well subdomains, but you have complete control over A and NS and such records) and point one at They support wild-cards

Feel free to use *.localhst.co.uk (note missing second 'o'). I'll keep it alive as long as I am, and the internet is still a thing. Handy for people who want to test with two levels of TLD.

If you are using Windows DNS, you can create a new zone, then you DnsCmd to add A records for @ and *.

dnscmd /RecordAdd local * 3600 A
dnscmd /RecordAdd local @ 3600 A

Why not using the literal IP address in the URL?

  • (old IPv4)
  • http://[::1]/ (new IPv6)

This domain resolves to


somesite.com is the first one I knew about, however I found a whole bunch here


Check the 20 other sites point to I have no idea how long these sites will stay pointing to

I have set up my own that you can use:

home.pdobson.com resloves to

Your hosts file in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc ought to be able to do this, just add one single line like this: www.mydomain.com

Additionally, use a server like apache or a program with it like wamp, and just go to http://localhost





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