
Insert Values after Compiler has passed Line

To start, I am using PHP with ob_start() and ob_flush.

In the code I have a part where parameters are suppose to be dynmacially loaded in the head of a file.

<script type="text/javascript" src="javascri开发者_C百科pt/ajax_objects.js"></script>

//Enter More Code Here Later


What I am trying to is after the compiler has finished and reach the end of the file, and found more libraries to add, is there a way where I can add more libraries to the part where it says //Enter More Code Here ? I know it is possible using Javascript/AJAX, but I am trying to do this with just php.


Example #1 describes exactly what you're trying to do: You could create a callback function called when you call ob_end_flush().

For instance:

function replaceJS($buffer) {
  return str_replace("{JS_LIBS}", 'the value you want to insert', $buffer);

The output in that case would be:

the value you want to insert

One option, would be to add a "marker". So replace //Enter More Code Here Later with <!-- HEADCODE-->.

Then, later on, when you're ready to send to the client (You mentioned using ob_flush()), simply do:

$headContent = ''; //This holds everything you want to add to the head
$html = ob_get_clean();
$html = str_replace('<!-- HEADCODE-->', $headContent, $html);
echo $html;

If you wanted to get fancy, you could create a class to manage this for you. Then, instead of doing ob_get_clean, just add a callback to ob_start.

class MyOutputBuffer {
    $positions = array (
        'HEAD' => '',

    public function addTo($place, $value) {
        if (!isset($this->positions[$place])) $this->positions[$place] = '';
        $this->positions[$place] .= $value;

    public function render($string) {
        foreach ($this->positions as $k => $v) {
           $string = str_replace('<!-- '.$k.'CODE-->', $v, $string);
        return $string;

$buffer = new MyOutputBuffer();
ob_start(array($buffer, 'render'));

Then, in your code, just do $buffer->addTo('HEAD', '<myscript>');





验证码 换一张
取 消

