what does calling ´this´ outside of a jquery plugin refer to
I am using the liveTwitter plugin
The problem is that I need to stop the plugin from hitting the Twitter api.
According to the documentation I need to do this
$("#tab1 .container_twitter_status").each(function(){ this.twitter.stop(); });
Already, the each does not make sense on an id (the author uses $(´#twittersearch´) )
and what does this refer to?
Anyway, I get an undefined error.
I will paste the plugin code and hope it makes sense to somebody.
The statements that I used where these
$("#tab1 .container_twitter_status").empty();
$("#tab1 .container_twitter_status").liveTwitter('bacon', {limit: 5, rate: 30000});
and when want to stop
$("#tab1 .container_twitter_status").each(function(){console.log(this.twitter);});
$("#tab1 .container_twitter_status").each(function(){ this.twitter.stop(); });
thanks in advance, Richard
* jQuery LiveTwitter 1.5.0
* - Live updating Twitter plugin for jQuery
* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Inge Jørgensen (elektronaut.no)
* Licensed under the MIT license (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
* $Date: 2010/05/30$
* Usage example:
* $("#twitterSearch").liveTwitter('bacon', {limit: 10, rate: 15000});
$.fn.reverse = function() {
return this.pushStack(this.get().reverse(), arguments);
$.fn.liveTwitter = function(query, options, callback){
var domNode = this;
var settings = {};
// Handle changing of options
if(this.twitter) {
settings = jQuery.extend(this.twitter.settings, options);
this.twitter.settings = settings;
if(query) {
this.twitter.query = query;
this.twitter.limit = settings.limit;
this.twitter.mode = settings.mode;
this.twitter.callback = callback;
// ..or create a new twitter object
} else {
// Extend settings with the defaults
settings = jQuery.extend({
mode: 'search', // Mode, valid options are: 'search', 'user_timeline'
rate: 15000, // Refresh rate in ms
limit: 10, // Limit number of results
refresh: true
}, options);
// Default setting for showAuthor if not provided
if(typeof settings.showAuthor == "undefined"){
settings.showAuthor = (settings.mode == 'user_timeline') ? false : true;
// Set up a dummy function for the Twitter API callback
window.twitter_callback = function(){return true;};
this.twitter = {
settings: settings,
query: query,
limit: settings.limit,
mode: settings.mode,
interval: false,
container: this,
lastTimeStamp: 0,
开发者_如何学Go callback: callback,
// Convert the time stamp to a more human readable format
relativeTime: function(timeString){
var parsedDate = Date.parse(timeString);
var delta = (Date.parse(Date()) - parsedDate) / 1000;
var r = '';
if (delta < 60) {
r = delta + ' seconds ago';
} else if(delta < 120) {
r = 'a minute ago';
} else if(delta < (45*60)) {
r = (parseInt(delta / 60, 10)).toString() + ' minutes ago';
} else if(delta < (90*60)) {
r = 'an hour ago';
} else if(delta < (24*60*60)) {
r = '' + (parseInt(delta / 3600, 10)).toString() + ' hours ago';
} else if(delta < (48*60*60)) {
r = 'a day ago';
} else {
r = (parseInt(delta / 86400, 10)).toString() + ' days ago';
return r;
// Update the timestamps in realtime
refreshTime: function() {
var twitter = this;
// Handle reloading
refresh: function(initialize){
var twitter = this;
if(this.settings.refresh || initialize) {
var url = '';
var params = {};
if(twitter.mode == 'search'){
params.q = this.query;
params.geocode = this.settings.geocode;
params.lang = this.settings.lang;
params.rpp = this.settings.rpp;
} else {
params.rpp = this.settings.limit;
// Convert params to string
var paramsString = [];
for(var param in params){
paramsString[paramsString.length] = param + '=' + encodeURIComponent(params[param]);
paramsString = paramsString.join("&");
url = "http://search.twitter.com/search.json?"+paramsString+"&callback=?";
} else if(twitter.mode == 'user_timeline') {
url = "http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline/"+encodeURIComponent(this.query)+".json?count="+twitter.limit+"&callback=?";
} else if(twitter.mode == 'list') {
var username = encodeURIComponent(this.query.user);
var listname = encodeURIComponent(this.query.list);
url = "http://api.twitter.com/1/"+username+"/lists/"+listname+"/statuses.json?per_page="+twitter.limit+"&callback=?";
$.getJSON(url, function(json) {
var results = null;
if(twitter.mode == 'search'){
results = json.results;
} else {
results = json;
var newTweets = 0;
var screen_name = '';
var profile_image_url = '';
if(twitter.mode == 'search') {
screen_name = this.from_user;
profile_image_url = this.profile_image_url;
created_at_date = this.created_at;
} else {
screen_name = this.user.screen_name;
profile_image_url = this.user.profile_image_url;
// Fix for IE
created_at_date = this.created_at.replace(/^(\w+)\s(\w+)\s(\d+)(.*)(\s\d+)$/, "$1, $3 $2$5$4");
var userInfo = this.user;
var linkified_text = this.text.replace(/[A-Za-z]+:\/\/[A-Za-z0-9-_]+\.[A-Za-z0-9-_:%&\?\/.=]+/, function(m) { return m.link(m); });
linkified_text = linkified_text.replace(/@[A-Za-z0-9_]+/g, function(u){return u.link('http://twitter.com/'+u.replace(/^@/,''));});
linkified_text = linkified_text.replace(/#[A-Za-z0-9_\-]+/g, function(u){return u.link('http://search.twitter.com/search?q='+u.replace(/^#/,'%23'));});
if(!twitter.settings.filter || twitter.settings.filter(this)) {
if(Date.parse(created_at_date) > twitter.lastTimeStamp) {
newTweets += 1;
var tweetHTML = '<div class="tweet tweet-'+this.id+'">';
if(twitter.settings.showAuthor) {
tweetHTML +=
'<img width="24" height="24" src="'+profile_image_url+'" />' +
'<p class="text"><span class="username"><a href="http://twitter.com/'+screen_name+'">'+screen_name+'</a>:</span> ';
} else {
tweetHTML +=
'<p class="text"> ';
tweetHTML +=
linkified_text +
' <span class="time">'+twitter.relativeTime(created_at_date)+'</span>' +
'</p>' +
var timeStamp = created_at_date;
this.timeStamp = timeStamp;
if(!initialize) {
twitter.lastTimeStamp = Date.parse(created_at_date);
if(newTweets > 0) {
// Limit number of entries
// Run callback
twitter.callback(domNode, newTweets);
// Trigger event
start: function(){
var twitter = this;
this.interval = setInterval(function(){twitter.refresh();}, twitter.settings.rate);
stop: function(){
this.interval = false;
var twitter = this.twitter;
this.timeInterval = setInterval(function(){twitter.refreshTime();}, 5000);
return this;
does the callback function with every matched DOM node as this
The functionality in the liveTwitter plugin is wrapped up in an object and assigned to the DOM node on .twitter
, so this
in this context is the DOM node itself.
These would be equivalent:
I just tested the example code, and it should work as intended.
Are you using the same selector when you call the stop function? You could try doing:
$("#tab1 .container_twitter_status").each(function(){console.log(this.twitter);});
and see if Firebug/Webkit returns Object or null.
Also, if you don't want it to refresh automatically, just pass refresh: false
$("#twitterSearch").liveTwitter('bacon', {limit: 10, refresh: false});
You can do this on the fly to disable refreshing temporarily:
$("#stuff").liveTwitter('banana', {refresh: false});
$("#stuff").liveTwitter('banana', {refresh: true});
I think you want to use $(this)
and not just this
Take a look here
$("#tab1 .container_twitter_status").each(function(){ $(this).twitter.stop(); });
Edited: Check your selector
Should your selector be
$("#tab1 .container_twitter_status") //returns all decendents of #tab1 with class .container_twitter_status
or should it be
$("#tab1.container_twitter_status") //returns a single element with id #tab1 and class .container_twitter_status.