
Drupal 6: display CCK Field value with php in views_customfield



Hi friends,

I've spent all day to find but can't find :(

How can I display CCK Field value with php in views_customfield? I tried the ones below, but no result




Appreciate helps!!


this works in tpl.php files, not not working in View Module panel as below (screenshot)

alt text http://img.skitch.com/20100616-dy2pxkdichni7nu1h747tptfa8.jpg

 if ($node->field_homepage_linking[0]["view"] == 1) { ?>
    <a href="<?p开发者_C百科hp print drupal_get_path_alias("node/" .$data->nid) ; ?>" title="<?php print $data->node_title; ?>">
<?php } ?>
<?php print $data->node_title; ?>
<?php  if ($node->field_homepage_linking[0]["view"] == 1) { ?>
<?php } ?>

Looks like a clerical error.


Should be:


Although, if its a CCK field, why not just add it as a Field? All CCK fields are under the Content category of the Fields. Also, to do this, you need the $node object loaded and ready to use by Views, which may also be why you aren't seeing anything.

Looks like you want to have a conditional display. I am not sure how to do this in Customfield, but I have done this many times with a .tpl field for particular fields. You can add theme tpl files to Views and have PHP code inside it, and also dump out the $row and $data object of views to see what fields/values you have to work with.

SORTED http://drupal.org/node/467190#comment-2068324

This works for me: The PHP code in customfield for loading cck field

$node = node_load($data->nid, NULL, TRUE);
echo $node->field_name_of_field[0]["value"];




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