
What makes a web site 'finished' for delivery to a client?

Sorry if this question has already been answered, and sorry if it's too subjective to make sense, or for StackOverflow.

I'm delivering a site to a client and I want to send them high-quality HTML/CSS/JS, fully validated, accessible etc.

So I'm compiling a list of things to check, and useful tools for doing so, before I hand the code over. Here's a partial list, but what am I missing?

  • Link checking for any broken links I might have missed - W3C link checker
  • HTML validation for accessib开发者_JAVA技巧ility and broken-ness - W3C HTML validator
  • CSS validation - W3C CSS validator
  • Check for slow-loading page elements - Firebug and YSlow plugin

What's missing - if you were a client, what else would you want to be sure has been checked?

I'm wondering about the etiquette of things like comments, indentation, and minification; is it good practice to sort out all these? And what else have I missed?

Thanks :)

Here's some famous checklist:


[EDIT] and another: http://www.boxuk.com/blog/the-ultimate-website-launch-checklist

I can't help but feel you're doing things the wrong way around...

I prefer where all the requirements are agreed up-front with the client, so that you know when all those items are checked off, you are done.

JSLint? Checks JavaScript correctness. (Warning: JSLint will hurt your feelings.)

Does it degrade gracefully? (Does the site function correctly with JavaScript disabled?)

There is no limit to the things you could check, have a look at this Smashing Magazine article which has lots of lists to check before deployment.

This is probably information overload, but what I did is make a list that is specific to me, now and again I add to it :-)

I can't help but feel that browser testing is missing from your list. Nothing beats looking at the site in every browser you can get your hands on.





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