
Javascript debugging plugin for eclipse

I'm new to Java and I'm doing a project with Ext JS and Java. I'm using Eclipse Java EE IDE for Web Developers (Build id:开发者_C百科 20100218-1602). Can anyone suggest any Javascript debugging plugin for this build? Links appreciated

Also IE developer tools are pretty good. In IE8 just hit F12 also.

Since javascript is the browser technology you should debug it in browser to see the real-world behavior.

FireBug is almost certainly the best way to debug your javascript to test in a browser :) although it's worth noting some bugs manifest themselves in FFX and not IE (also vice versa), so check in both!

I suggest you use FireBug for Firefox. I'd say it's the best JavaScript debugger and overall web development tool out there today. You just install it and hit F12 and you're good to go.

  • Eclipse Webtools Platform JavaScript Development Toolkit - install via the Install New Software menu in Eclipse
  • Aptana Studio 2 Eclipse Plugin - there is an install/update link to use in Eclipse




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