Update a field thanks to a subquery based on another field
I use a MySQL DB, and I would like to update a field in a table based on another. Som开发者_StackOverflowething like:
UPDATE table1
SET field1 = table2.id
WHERE field2 IN (
SELECT table2.name
FROM table2
I know that this query wouldn't work, but here is the idea. Is that even possible to do?
You can use a correlated sub query as below. This assumes there will be exactly one matching value returned. It will raise an error if more than one matching value is returned or set the field to null if zero are returned. If that last behaviour isn't desirable you will need a where
UPDATE table1
SET field1 = (SELECT DISTINCT table2.ValueColumn
FROM table2
WHERE table2.JoinColumn = table1.JoinColumn)
To review records with 0 or more than 1 matches you could use
SELECT table1.JoinColumn, COUNT(DISTINCT table2.ValueColumn)
FROM table1
LEFT JOIN table2
ON table2.JoinColumn = table1.JoinColumn
GROUP BY table1.JoinColumn
HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT table2.ValueColumn) <> 1