
how to find Signal Strength of connected bluetooth devices

In one of my applications, I need to display all the wi-fi and Bluetooth devices whi开发者_开发知识库ch are paired to my mobile, and their signal strengths. With wi-fi, it's okay for me to display signal strength (RSSI). But I have a problem with the Bluetooth. I searched for some method which is suitable for this task; I found one method:

intent.getShortExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_RSSI, Short.MIN_VALUE);

But it is displaying only the new device RSSI which is not paired to my mobile. Is there any idea for getting all Bluetooth devices RSSI?

For bluetooth RSSI, you can read RSSI for connected devices, or perform a bluetooth discovery to check the RSSI for nearby devices.

Basically a bluetooth discovery is a broadcast to all stations within range to respond back. As each devices respons back, Android fires off an ACTION_FOUND intent. Within this intent you can getExtra EXTRA_RSSI to obtain the RSSI.

Note that not all bluetooth hardware supports RSSI.

Also Related: Android IRC Office Hours Question About Android Bluetooth RSSI





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