
Facebook select friends and post UIDs to custom URL

I'm building a facebook connect application, and here's the specific use case I'm trying to solve (using the Facebook Connect Javascript toolkit - http://github.com/facebook/connect-js)

  1. There is a link on a page that a user clicks to "invite friends".
  2. This click opens up a facebook friend selector widget (something like the multi-friend-selector), and the user selects friends from it.
  3. The selected friends are POST-ed to a custom URL using an Ajax call and the selector widget goes away.

I'm able to do steps 1 and 2 using a fb:request-form and fb:multi-friend-selector. However, by default that开发者_JAVA技巧 posts to facebook and redirects the page. Is there a way to simply retrieve the UIDs of the selected users and then post them to a custom URL instead?

This topic is muddy water right now.

The current way is to implement your custom URL with an fb:req-choice in the content attribute of your fb:request-form as described here.

But as you can clearly see on that page - they are soon deprecating that element and changing how requests/invites work in general. So you can implement it like this for now, but will probably have to change it when they release more details about the new system.





验证码 换一张
取 消

