
Forwarding Mouse Events through layers/divs

Does anybody know of either a jQuery or native JavaScript way to enable mouse events through layers? e.g. enable a link underneath a div.

Other solutions that cannot use in my case:

  • A simple way, although using not really supported pointer-events开发者_如何学Go (edit as of 2017, widely supported)
  • An ExtJS solution

You can do all that or you can just use this CSS for that div:

pointer-events: none

I did it once. Here's the code:

quickDelegate = function(event, target) {
            var eventCopy = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
            eventCopy.initMouseEvent(event.type, event.bubbles, event.cancelable, event.view, event.detail,
                event.pageX || event.layerX, event.pageY || event.layerY, event.clientX, event.clientY, event.ctrlKey, event.altKey,
                event.shiftKey, event.metaKey, event.button, event.relatedTarget);
            // ... and in webkit I could just dispath the same event without copying it. eh.

please note that I was only targeting new versions of Firefox and Chrome.

There is now a jQuery implementation of the ExtJS event forwarding script:

JQuery Forward Mouse Event Example

The jQuery Forward Mouse Event example given here is part of a larger framework and even just figuring that much out from the given website was a chore.

I therefore rewrote the code as a standalone jQuery plugin.

Here's the Github repository:

Unfortunately, the purpose I was using it for - overlaying a mask over Google Maps did not capture click and drag events, and the mouse cursor does not change which degrades the user experience enough that I just decided to hide the mask under IE and Opera - the two browsers which dont support pointer events.

You could try using jquery to change the z-index of the div when you hover over it, so that the link is temporarily above the div while hovering over said div.

Since the JQuery Forward Mouse Event Example link is currently dead, I wrote some jQuery code to handle a simple case:

  1. overlay div with a transparent image and no links
  2. underlay div with links

Goal: keep overlay visible, make links work and cursor change when over a link.

Method: compare the mouse location to each link offset().

I don't handle general mouse events, I just treat the events I need ad-hoc. So it's really a workaround instead of the best solution, which would handle every mouse event abstractly, something like using Wildcard's above quickDelegate() after checking the geometry. Also I only care about certain link elements, not the whole layered DOM.

function mouse_event_over_element(evt, elem) {
  var o= elem.offset();
  var w= elem.width();
  var h= elem.height();
  return evt.pageX >= o.left && evt.pageX <= o.left + w && evt.pageY >= o.top && evt.pageY <= o.top + h;

  $(underlay_selector + ' a').each(function() {
    if (mouse_event_over_element(e, $(this))) {
      // $(this).click(); // trigger a jQuery click() handler
      // quickDelegate(e, this); // not in IE8
      // this.click(); // maybe not in Mozilla pre-HTML5
      window.location.href= this.href;
      return false;

  var newcursor= 'default';
  $(underlay_selector + ' a').each(function() {
    if (mouse_event_over_element(e, $(this))) {
      newcursor= 'pointer';
      // $(this).mouseenter(); // trigger a one-argument jQuery hover() event (no mouseleave)
      return false;
  $(overlay_selector).css('cursor', newcursor);

Using the geometry function 'mouse_event_over_element()' you can handle other events and elements.

To do: figure out what mouse events trigger the tooltip over <a title="foo">, and trigger() them, or replicate showing the tooltip. Same for the status line.


Edit 2014/09


User user2273627 sggested:

For the default tooltip and status-line you can use the z-index css-property. Check if the mouse is over a link and set the z-index for that link. $(this).css('z-index','9'); Put an else when the mouse is not over an element and set the z-index to auto. Make sure you set the underlying links position: relative in the css-file, otherwise z-index will not work.





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