
Retrieving events from Google Calendar

I am trying to retrieve the XML data for Google Calendar. Authentication and retrieval all works. However, when I retrieve the events, gd: data isn't included as the protocol reference documents it would be (http://code.google.com/apis/calendar/data/2.0/developers_guide_protocol.html#RetrievingWithoutQuery)

Some error messages I'm running into depending on how I'm referencing the "when" node with attribute "startTime" (my ultimate goal in this anecdote) are as follows:

Fatal error: Call to a member function attributes() on a non-object in .../googlecalendarwrapper.php on line 226 when it looks like 'startTime'=> (string) $cal->when->attributes()->startTime,

GoogleCalendarWrapper_Model::getEventsList() [googlecalendarwrapper-model.geteventslist]: Node no longer exists when it looks like 'startTime'=> strval($cal->when->attributes()->startTime),

strval() [function.strval]: Node no longer exists when it looks like 'startTime'=> strval($cal->when->attributes()), and 'startTime'=> strval($cal->when->attributes('startTime')),

Code looks like:

            $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($this->get($url, $header));

            $calendars = array();
            foreach ($xml->entry as $cal){
                    $calendars[] = array(                            
                                                         'startTime'=> strval($cal->when->attributes()),


        [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                [id] => http://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/braden.keith%40smartersys.com/private/full/7li4mr2c81mub1hcoqktn73fbo
                [published] => 2010-06-08T17:17:43.000Z
                [updated] => 2010-06-08T17:17:43.000Z
                [category] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                        [@attributes] => Array
                                [scheme] => http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind
                     开发者_开发百科           [term] => http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#event


                [title] => title
                [content] => content
                [link] => Array
                        [0] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                [@attributes] => Array
                                        [rel] => alternate
                                        [type] => text/html
                                        [href] => https://www.google.com/calendar/hosted/smartersys.com/event?eid=N2xpNG1yMmM4MW11YjFoY29xa3RuNzNmYm8gYnJhZGVuLmtlaXRoQHNtYXJ0ZXJzeXMuY29t
                                        [title] => alternate


                        [1] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                [@attributes] => Array
                                        [rel] => self
                                        [type] => application/atom+xml
                                        [href] => https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/braden.keith%40smartersys.com/private/full/7li4mr2c81mub1hcoqktn73fbo


                        [2] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                                [@attributes] => Array
                                        [rel] => edit
                                        [type] => application/atom+xml
                                        [href] => https://www.google.com/calendar/feeds/braden.keith%40smartersys.com/private/full/7li4mr2c81mub1hcoqktn73fbo/63411700663



                [author] => SimpleXMLElement Object
                        [name] => Braden Keith
                        [email] => braden.keith@smartersys.com


According to this article: http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2005/10/20/simplexml-and-namespaces/ You have to approach namespaces a tad differently with SimpleXMLElement. The solution is as follows:

            $xml = new SimpleXMLElement($this->get($url, $header));

            $calendars = array();
            foreach ($xml->entry as $cal){
                    $ns_gd = $cal->children('http://schemas.google.com/g/2005');
                    $calendars[] = array(                            
                                                         'startTime'=> strval($ns_gd->when->attributes()->startTime),

Note the $ns_gd = $cal->children('http://schemas.google.com/g/2005'); - this defines the namespace. Then from there, $ns_gd->when->attributes()->startTime gets the attribute from gd:when named startTime.

Man it's been a bloody 2 days. But I figured it out. Hopefully this can help someone down the road.





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