how to mysqldump remote db from local machine
I need to do a mysqldump of a database on a remote server, but the server does not have mysqldump installed. I would like to use the mysqldump on my machine to connect to the remote database and do the dump on my machine.
I have tried to create an ssh tunnel and then do the dump, but this does not seem to work. I tried:
开发者_如何学编程ssh -f -L3310:remote.server:3306 user@remote.server -N
The tunnel is created with success. If I do
telnet localhost 3310
I get some blurb which shows the correct server mysql version. However, doing the following seems to try to connect locally
mysqldump -P 3310 -h localhost -u mysql_user -p database_name table_name
As I haven't seen it at serverfault yet, and the answer is quite simple:
ssh -f -L3310:remote.server:3306 user@remote.server -N
ssh -f -L3310:localhost:3306 user@remote.server -N
And change:
mysqldump -P 3310 -h localhost -u mysql_user -p database_name table_name
mysqldump -P 3310 -h -u mysql_user -p database_name table_name
(do not use localhost, it's one of these 'special meaning' nonsense that probably connects by socket rather then by port)
edit: well, to elaborate: if host is set to localhost
, a configured (or default) --socket
option is assumed. See the manual for which option files are sought / used. Under Windows, this can be a named pipe.
One can invoke mysqldump locally against a remote server.
Example that worked for me:
mysqldump -h hostname-of-the-server -u mysql_user -p database_name > file.sql
I followed the mysqldump documentation on connection options.
mysqldump from remote server use SSL
1- Security with SSL - remote server - local server
Remore server
CREATE USER 'backup_remote_2'@'' IDENTIFIED WITH caching_sha2_password BY '3333333' REQUIRE SSL;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'backup_remote_2'@'';
Local server
sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump \
--databases test_1 \
--host= \
--user=backup_remote_2 \
--password=3333333 \
--master-data \
--set-gtid-purged \
--events \
--triggers \
--routines \
--verbose \
--ssl-mode=REQUIRED \
2 - Security with SSL (REQUIRE X509) - remote server - local server
Remore server
CREATE USER 'backup_remote'@'' IDENTIFIED WITH caching_sha2_password BY '1111111' REQUIRE X509;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'backup_remote'@'';
Local server
sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump \
--databases test_1 \
--host= \
--user=backup_remote \
--password=1111111 \
--events \
--triggers \
--routines \
--verbose \
--ssl-mode=VERIFY_CA \
--ssl-ca=/usr/local/mysql/data/ssl/ca.pem \
--ssl-cert=/usr/local/mysql/data/ssl/client-cert.pem \
--ssl-key=/usr/local/mysql/data/ssl/client-key.pem \
On local server
-rw------- 1 mysql mysql 1.7K Apr 16 22:28 ca-key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql 1.1K Apr 16 22:28 ca.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql 1.1K Apr 16 22:28 client-cert.pem
-rw------- 1 mysql mysql 1.7K Apr 16 22:28 client-key.pem
Copy this files from remote server for (REQUIRE X509) or if SSL without (REQUIRE X509) do not copy
On remote server
-rw------- 1 mysql mysql 1.7K Apr 16 22:28 ca-key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql 1.1K Apr 16 22:28 ca.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql 1.1K Apr 16 22:28 client-cert.pem
-rw------- 1 mysql mysql 1.7K Apr 16 22:28 client-key.pem
-rw------- 1 mysql mysql 1.7K Apr 16 22:28 private_key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql 451 Apr 16 22:28 public_key.pem
-rw-r--r-- 1 mysql mysql 1.1K Apr 16 22:28 server-cert.pem
-rw------- 1 mysql mysql 1.7K Apr 16 22:28 server-key.pem
Increase Password Security
Bassed on this page here:
Compare two MySQL databases
I modified it so you can use ddbb in diferent hosts.
#!/bin/sh echo "Usage: dbdiff [user1:pass1@dbname1:host] [user2:pass2@dbname2:host] [ignore_table1:ignore_table2...]" dump () { up=${1%%@*}; down=${1##*@}; user=${up%%:*}; pass=${up##*:}; dbname=${down%%:*}; host=${down##*:}; mysqldump --opt --compact --skip-extended-insert -u $user -p$pass $dbname -h $host $table > $2 } rm -f /tmp/db.diff # Compare up=${1%%@*}; down=${1##*@}; user=${up%%:*}; pass=${up##*:}; dbname=${down%%:*}; host=${down##*:}; for table in `mysql -u $user -p$pass $dbname -h $host -N -e "show tables" --batch`; do if [ "`echo $3 | grep $table`" = "" ]; then echo "Comparing '$table'..." dump $1 /tmp/file1.sql dump $2 /tmp/file2.sql diff -up /tmp/file1.sql /tmp/file2.sql >> /tmp/db.diff else echo "Ignored '$table'..." fi done less /tmp/db.diff rm -f /tmp/file1.sql /tmp/file2.sql