
Error messages in ASP.NET with jQuery UI

I've been using my own Error reporting module which was combination of simple c# and jQueryUI Dialog. Problem is that once error or success occurs i do write it's value to session. It does work pretty good on pages with Responce.Redirect on error but not on pages where i catch an error and then return to same form.

My question is why does session which added pre-postback fails to load in pages where i have return statement on some condition.

And if there another way to save errors and success message except in session ? Maybe global variables or something like that ...


this is Error class

public static string getMessage()
    HttpContext c = HttpContext.Current;
    string messageType = "";
    if (c.Session["errorMessage"] != null)
        messageType = "errorMessage";
    else if (c.Session["successMessage"] != null)
        messageType = "successMessage";

    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageType))
        string[] messageBody = c.Session[messageType].ToString().Split('|');
        StringBuilder userMessageSb = new StringBuilder();
        userMessageSb.Append(string.Format("<div id=\"{0}\" title=\"{1}\">{2}</div>", messageType, messageBody[0], messageBody[1]));

        // fix so message will not re-appear

        messageType = userMessageSb.ToString();
    return messageType;

public static void setSuccess(string successMessage)
    HttpContext.Current.Session["successMessage"] = setMessage("success", successMessage);

public static void setError(string errorMessage)
    HttpContext.Current.Session["errorMessage"] = setMessage("error", errorMessage);

private static string setMessage(string messageTitle, string messageBody)
    return string.Format("{0}|{1}", messageTitle, messageBody);

i set message like this prior to redirect or return

   Errors.setError(my error is");

i get error on bottom of my masterpage like this

<%= Errors.getMessage() %>

and this is JS

$(function () {

    if ($("#errorMessage").length != 0) {
            modal: true,
            height: 300,
            width: 400,
            buttons: {
                Ok: function () {
    if ($("#successMessage").length != 0) {
            modal: true,
            height: 300,
            width: 400,
            buttons: {
                Ok: function () {

There is a possibility that <%= Errors.getMessage() %> executes before you call Errors.setError(my error is") in case when you are not redirecting.

Hope below answer helps.

Create a property in your master page code behind

public string MessagePlaceholder
  get { return messagePlaceholder.InnerHtml; }
  set { messagePlaceholder.InnerHtml = value; }

Replace <%= Errors.getMessage() %> with a div place holder like below

<div id="messagePlaceholder" runat="server"></div>

And here is your setError method

public static void setError(string errorMessage, bool redirecting)
  HttpContext.Current.Session["errorMessage"] = setMessage("error", errorMessage);
  if (!redirecting)
    ((HttpContext.Current.Handler as System.Web.UI.Page).Master as YourMasterPageType).MessagePlaceholder = getMessage();

EDIT Sorry I forgot this

In Page_Load event of your master page

   messagePlaceholder.InnerHtml = Errors.getMessage();




验证码 换一张
取 消

