
runtime loading of ValidateAntiForgeryToken Salt value

Consider an ASP.NET MVC application using the Salt parameter in the [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] directive.

The scenario is such that the app will be used by many customers. It's not terribly desirable to have the Salt known at compile time.

The current strategy is to locate the Salt value in the web.config.

[ValidateAntiForgeryToken(Salt = Config.AppSalt)]
//Confi开发者_开发问答g.AppSalt is a static property that reads the web.config.

This leads to a compile-time exception suggesting that the Salt must be a const at compile time.

An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type

How can I modify the application to allow for a runtime loading of the Salt so that the app doesn't have to be re-salted and recompiled for each customer?

Consider that the Salt won't change frequently, if at all, thereby removing the possibility of invalidating form

The Salt property is meant to be a compile-time constant. It's simply a way to link a particular form to a particular action method. For example, if you have a login form, you may wish to use the salt "Login" for this form so that a token that was valid for the login form can't be used for the change password form, etc.

In all cases, the app's machine key is automatically used as an additional salt value. So an anti-XSRF token for one application can't be used for another application, even if both salt values read "Login". The machine key is settable in the Web.config <machineKey> section.

I had the requirement to have different salts for different customers. In this case, I used Dixin's solution for injecting the salt at runtime.

Anti Forgery Request Recipes For ASP.NET MVC and AJAX at the section titled "Specify non-constant salt in runtime".

Decorate your Controllers with a new attribute:

public class ProductController : Controller
    // Only HTTP POST requests are validated.

This new attribute is defined as:

public class ValidateAntiForgeryTokenWrapperAttribute : FilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
    public ValidateAntiForgeryTokenWrapperAttribute(HttpVerbs verbs)
        this._verbs = new AcceptVerbsAttribute(verbs);
        this._validator = new ValidateAntiForgeryTokenAttribute()
                //load from web.config or anywhere else
                Salt = Configurations.AntiForgeryTokenSalt

    // Other members.




验证码 换一张
取 消

