
Computing, storing, and retrieving values to and from an N-Dimensional matrix

This question is probably quite different from what you are used to reading here - I hope it can provide a fun challenge.

Essentially I have an algorithm that uses 5(or more) variables to compute a single value, called outcome. Now I have to implement this algorithm on an embedded device which has no memory limitations, but has very harsh processing constraints.

Because of this, I would like to run a calculation engine which computes outcome for, say, 20 different values of each variable and stores this information in a file. You may think of this as a 5(or more)-dimensional matrix or 5(or more)-dimensional array, each dimension being 20 entries long.

In any modern language, filling this array is as simple as having 5(or more) nested for loops. The tricky part is that I need to dump these values into a file that can then be placed onto the embedded device so that the device can use it as a lookup table.

The questions now, are:

  1. What format(s) might be acceptable for storing the data?
  2. What programs (MATLAB, C#, etc) might be best suited to compute the data?
  3. C# must be used to import the data o开发者_开发技巧n the device - is this possible given your answer to #1?

Edit: Is it possible to read from my lookup table file without reading the entire file into memory? Can you explain how that might be done in C#?

I'll comment on 1 and 3 as well. It may be preferable to use a fixed width output file rather than a CSV. This may take up more or less space than a CSV, depending on the output numbers. However, it tends to work well for lookup tables, as figuring out where to look in a fixed width data file can be done without reading the entire file. This is usually important for a lookup table.

Fixed width data, as with CSV, is trivial to read and write. Some math-oriented languages might offer poor string and binary manipulation functionality, but it should be really easy to convert the data to fixed width during the import step regardless.

Number 2 is harder to answer, particularly without knowing what kind of algorithm you are computing. Matlab and similar programs tend to be great about certain types of computations and often have a lot of stuff built in to make it easier. That said, a lot of the math stuff that is built into such languages is available for other languages in the form of libraries.

I'll comment on (1) and (3). All you need to do is dump the data in slices. Pick a traversal and dump data out in that order. Write it out as comma-delimited numbers.





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