
CakePHP: Can I ignore a field when reading the Model from the DB?

In 开发者_如何学运维one of my models, I have a "LONGTEXT" field that has a big dump of a bunch of stuff that I never care to read, and it slows things down, since I'm moving much more data between the DB and the web app.

Is there a way to specify in the model that I want CakePHP to simply ignore that field, and never read it or do anything with it?

I really want to avoid the hassle of creating a separate table and a separate model, only for this field.



As @SpawnCxy said, you'll need to use the 'fields' => array(...) option in a find to limit the data you want to retrieve. If you don't want to do this every time you write a find, you can add something like this to your models beforeFind() callback, which will automatically populate the fields options with all fields except the longtext field:

function beforeFind($query) {
    if (!isset($query['fields'])) {
        foreach ($this->_schema as $field => $foo) {
            if ($field == 'longtextfield') {
            $query['fields'][] = $this->alias . '.' . $field;
    return $query;

Regarding comment:

That's true… The easiest way in this case is probably to unset the field from the schema.


I haven't tested it, but this should prevent the field from being included in the query. If you want to make this switchable for each query, you could move it to another variable like $Model->_schemaInactiveFields and move it back when needed. You could even make a Behavior for this.

The parameter fields may help you.It doesn't ignore fields but specifies fields you want:

'conditions' => array('Model.field' => $thisValue), //array of conditions
'fields' => array('Model.field1', 'Model.field2'), //list columns you want

You can get more information of retrieving data in the cookbook .

Another idea:

Define your special query in the model:

function myfind($type,$params)
     $params['fields'] = array('Model.field1','Model.field2',...);
     return $this->find($type,$params);

Then use it in the controller


Also try containable behaviour will strip out all unwanted fields and works on model associations as well. Containable

class Post extends AppModel { <br>
    var $actsAs = array('Containable'); <br>

where Post is your model?

You can add a beforeFilter function in your Table and add a select to the query


public function beforeFind(Event $event, Query $query){

$protected = $this->newEntity()->hidden;

$tableSchema = $event->subject()->schema();

$fields = $tableSchema->columns();
foreach($fields as $key => $name){

return $event;


In this excample I took the hidden fields from the ModelClass to exclude from result.

Took it from my answer to a simular question here : Hidden fields are still listed from database in cakephp 3





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