Call Mono C# Compiler
For calling MS C# compiler there is CSharpCodeProvider
but how do I call the Mono compiler?
I want to know if there was any errors after compilation.
Mono has a better approach available (which should be provided in .NET 5 probably),
I have not used Mono, but a quick Bing turned up the following Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider in the Mono documentation, is it possible that Mono implements the functionality targeting the Mono C# compiler.
You should take a look at MonoDevelop. It's full featured IDE for the Mono project, speaking of C#, F# and others. You can create a project, generate the classes, paste your source and it'll take care of everything.
Speaking of the compiler:
It's called mcs if you exported mono to your PATH. man mcs/mcs --help
Probably using Microsoft.CSharp.dll
from Mono will call Mono's implementation of Microsoft C# compiler which is the same as Microsoft's.
To call Mono specific features of C# compiler use Mono.CSharp.dll