
Magento - blank lines being added to wsdl file

I am trying to call the API but I keep getting a soap error that can't load the file. I found that the reason is there are about 3 blank lines at the top of the XML file that is returned. I found this by doing wget url.

This use to work just fine, when I debug through the API controller the response or xml looks fine all the way through, I don't see any spaces at all. I have no idea what might be causing this. I don't think there is anything we modified that would do this.

UPDATE:: I have found that it appears to be because of an observer class I made for the controller_action_predispatch event. It ap开发者_如何转开发pears I have some spaces above the

I'm not completely sure of what I am talking about as far as I've never used the API, but you should try to look at the end of the file which generates your XML for a closing '?>'. If there is this closing PHP marker, remove it and try again you API call...

In Magento, PHP file should never be ended by a closing php marker '?>'.

edit: as said in comments, also look at spaces before the opening tag '<?php'.

First thing need to check is api.php file in root folder, most of api blank space issues will come if any empty lines added in api.php file before starting





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