window form: Adding Emoticons
i am trying to develop a window form chat application using c# with 3.5 framework.
in that form i want to insert emoticons as we found in yahoo, hotmail etc messenger.
开发者_StackOverflow中文版can anyone tell me how i can implement that thing as it is done in messenger.
please help me.
After a very hard working i got solution
you can share it with other so that they can make applications as i need it.
thanks for your supports.
If you want selectable text with inserted emoticon images, I think you have 3 relatively simple options:
- Use a WebBrowser instead of a TextBox and create html from your text+images
- Use a RichTextBox instead of a TextBox and insert your images into the RTF
- Buy a third party advanced TextBox-ish control which offers the ability to override the drawing event
I think you can use combination of ASCII characters. You can try with ALT + numeric value to get some smileys. For e.g. combination of ':', '-' and ')' will give you :-). Ascii for ')' is ALT + 41. similarly you can try different options.
Emoticons in using simple javascript And in windows forms