Data encrypted with openssl_public_encrypt is different every time?
why is the content of $encrypted every time different?
// aquire public key from server
$server_public_key = openssl_pkey_get_public(file_get_contents("C:\publickey.pem"));
// rsa encrypt
openssl_public_encrypt("123", $encrypted, $server_public_key);
also I have tried this one
$publicKey = "file://C:/publickey.pem";
$privateKey = "file://C:/privatekey.pem";
$plaintext = "String to encrypt";
openssl_public_encrypt($plaintext, $encrypted, $publicKey);
$transfer = base64_encode($encrypted);
openssl_private_decrypt($encrypted, $decrypted, $privateKey);
echo $transfer; //encrypted string
and $transfer is everytime a different string:...
The PKCS#1 encryption algorithm uses some random seed to make the cipher-text different every time.
This protects the cipher-text against several attacks, like frequency analysis, ciphertext matching. For example, if you were using a public key to encrypt all your password without randomness. All the same password will yield the same cipher-text. Someone can figure out all the popular passwords by checking the frequency of the cipher-text.
For symmetric key encryption, IV (Initial Vector) serves a similar purpose.