Display XML in proper formatted way [closed]
Is there any way to show XML data in a good and readable format using PHP? I know I can build code to do this, but is there a function that does something similar I can reuse?
<animals><animal><name>Lion</name><type>Stay away</type></animal><animal><name>Koala Bear</name><type>Hug</type></animal></animals>
Is there some code that will show me the data in a decent format? eg:
Name - Lion
Type - Stay Away
Name - Koala Bear
Type - Hug
Some kind of XML to HTML display?
Yes it is called XSLT and there is a XSL class in PHP.
With XSLT you can transform XML documents basically to any kind of output.
It is called XSLT, you can transform XML into anything. link text