
Can EC2 instances be set up to come from different IP ranges? [closed]

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I need to run a web crawler and I want to do it from EC2 because I want the HTTP requests to come from different IP ranges so I don't get b开发者_JAVA技巧locked. So I thought distributing this on EC2 instances might help, but I can't find any information about what the outbound IP range will be. I don't want to go to the trouble of figuring out the extra complexity of EC2 and distributed data, only to find that all the instances use the same address block and I get blocked by the server anyway.

NOTE: This isn't for a DoS attack or anything. I'm trying to harvest data for a legitimate business purpose, I'm respecting robots.txt, and I'm only making one request per second, but the host is still shutting me down.

Commenter Paul Dixon suggests that the act of blocking even my modest crawl indicates that the host doesn't want me to crawl them and therefore that I shouldn't do it (even assuming I can work around the blocking). Do people agree with this?

First, the answer - yes, each EC2 instance gets its own IP address. Now on to some commentary:

  • It's easy for a site owner to block all requests from EC2-land, and some webmaster have started doing that, due to many poorly behaved bots running in EC2. So using EC2 might not be a long term solution to your problem.

  • One request/second is still pretty fast. Super-polite is using a crawl delay of 30 seconds. At Bixo Labs we usually run with a crawl delay of 15 seconds - even 10 seconds starts causing problems at some sites.

  • You also need to worry about total requests/day, as some sites monitor that. A good rule of thumb is no more than 5000 requests/day/IP address.

  • Finally, using multiple servers in EC2 to get around rate-limiting means you're in the gray zone of web crawling, mostly inhabited by slimy characters harvesting email addresses, ripping off content, and generating splog. So consider carefully if you really want to be living in that neighborhood.





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