
Is dependency injection only for service type objects and singletons? (and NOT for gui?)

I'm currently experimenting with the Google's guice inversion of control container. I previously had singletons for just about any service (database, active directory) my application used. Now I refactored the code: all the dependencies are given as parameters to constructors. So far, so good. Now the hardest part is with the graphical user interface. I face this problem: I have a table (JTable) of products wrapped in an ProductFrame. I give the dependencies as parameters (EditProductDialog).

public ProductFrame(EditProductDialog editProductDialog) {
  // ...

// ...

public EditProductDialog(DBProductController productController, Product product) {
  // ...

The problem is that guice can't know what Product I have selected in the table, so it can't know what to inject in the EditProductDialog.

Dependency Injection is pretty viral (if I modify one class to use dependency injection I also need to modify all the other classes it interacts with) so my question is should I directly instantiate EditProductDialog? But then I would have to pass manually the DBProductController to the EditProductDialog and I will also need to pass it to the ProductFrame and all this boils down to not using dependency injection at all.

Or is my design flawed and because of that I can't really adapt the project to dependecy injection?

Give me some examples of how you used dependency injection with the graphical user interfa开发者_高级运维ce. All the examples found on the Internet are really simple examples where you use some services (mostly databases) with dependency injection.

From what I see in your sample code, I am not sure passing Product to EditProductDialog is the best design, this means that you cannot reuse the same dialog for 2 different products.

In general, I would rather add a setProduct(Product) to EditProductDialog in order to:

  • enable reuse of the same dialog
  • allow constructor injection of the dialog itself

Besides, you can also, if you want to keep the current constructor arguments, take a look at Guice Assisted Injection, which would allow you to have all dependencies injected into the constructor, while still providing the product explicitly.

Finally, you may want to take a look at Guts-GUI, an open source framework for creating Swing GUIs with Guice (still under work, but ready to use as of today). It has a sample application that contains examples of reusable dialogs.

A composite GUI can certainly make use of DI. However, you will have to be dogmatic about maintaining a composite-orientation. Any direct coupling between interface elements will create a lot of headaches.

The problem is that guice can't know what Product I have selected in the table, so it can't know what to inject in the EditProductDialog.

Use dependency injection for dependencies that can be resolved by Guice (when the application is started). Use method arguments for setting any state of your services that is determined by application logic and therefore only known later, at run-time.

In this specific case, the code which decides which product to show (presumably the ProductFrame which knows the selection in the table) would invoke a SetProduct method on the dialog before showing it.

Depends on what we mean by "GUI".

I wouldn't use DI for JSPs, but I would in the controllers that interact with them. I consider controllers to be part of UI. I inject the validators, mappers, and services they need to fulfill requests and craft responses.

If you agree, then DI is appropriate for the view layer.

I believe Guice usage in Desktop GUI development works best for Service configuration.

With your approach you would need to configure interaction scopes properly to be able to inject user domain objects that are selected in the GUI properly into services.

Instead you could make the selection data accessible from a service which is injected as a singleton service into other services which require selection data.

The SelectionService could be something like this

public interface SelectionService {

    Product getSelectedProduct();

    // ...


In Web GUI development you have for example Session and Request scope. I believe that scoping is more difficult in Desktop GUI programming, so I'd go for DI for singleton services and wiring of static GUI components and manual instantiation for everything else.

And if you need to make Selection data available as a Service than the code snippet could be of help.





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