
What is the nicest way to parse this in C++?

In my program, I have a list of "server address" in the following format:


The brackets here, indicate that the port is optional.

  • host can be a hostname, an IPv4 or IPv6 address (possibly in "bracket-enclosed" notation).
  • port, if present can be a numeric port number or a service string (like: "http" or "ssh").

If port is 开发者_开发问答present and host is an IPv6 address, host must be in "bracket-enclosed" notation (Example: [::1])

Here are some valid examples:


And an invalid example:

::1:80 // Invalid: Is this the IPv6 address ::1:80 and a default port, or the IPv6 address ::1 and the port 80 ?
::1:http // This is not ambigous, but for simplicity sake, let's consider this is forbidden as well.

My goal is to separate such entries in two parts (obviously host and port). I don't care if either the host or port are invalid as long as they don't contain a non-bracket-enclosed : ( is ok for host, it will be rejected in the next process); I just want to separate the two parts, or if there is no port part, to know it somehow.

I tried to do something with std::stringstream but everything I come up to seems hacky and not really elegant.

How would you do this in C++ ?

I don't mind answers in C but C++ is prefered. Any boost solution is welcome as well.

Thank you.

Have you looked at boost::spirit? It might be overkill for your task, though.

Here's a simple class that uses boost::xpressive to do the job of verifying the type of IP address and then you can parse the rest to get the results.


const std::string ip_address_str = "";
IpAddress ip_address = IpAddress::Parse(ip_address_str);
std::cout<<"Input String: "<<ip_address_str<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"Address Type: "<<IpAddress::TypeToString(ip_address.getType())<<std::endl;
if (ip_address.getType() != IpAddress::Unknown)
    std::cout<<"Host Address: "<<ip_address.getHostAddress()<<std::endl;
    if (ip_address.getPortNumber() != 0)
        std::cout<<"Port Number: "<<ip_address.getPortNumber()<<std::endl;

The header file of the class, IpAddress.h

#pragma once
#ifndef __IpAddress_H__
#define __IpAddress_H__

#include <string>

class IpAddress
    enum Type

     * \brief   Gets the host address part of the IP address.
     * \author  Abi
     * \date    02/06/2010
     * \return  The host address part of the IP address.
    const std::string& getHostAddress() const;

     * \brief   Gets the port number part of the address if any.
     * \author  Abi
     * \date    02/06/2010
     * \return  The port number.
    unsigned short getPortNumber() const;

     * \brief   Gets the type of the IP address.
     * \author  Abi
     * \date    02/06/2010
     * \return  The type.
    IpAddress::Type getType() const;

     * \fn  static IpAddress Parse(const std::string& ip_address_str)
     * \brief   Parses a given string to an IP address.
     * \author  Abi
     * \date    02/06/2010
     * \param   ip_address_str  The ip address string to be parsed.
     * \return  Returns the parsed IP address. If the IP address is
     *          invalid then the IpAddress instance returned will have its
     *          type set to IpAddress::Unknown
    static IpAddress Parse(const std::string& ip_address_str);

     * \brief   Converts the given type to string.
     * \author  Abi
     * \date    02/06/2010
     * \param   address_type    Type of the address to be converted to string.
     * \return  String form of the given address type.
    static std::string TypeToString(IpAddress::Type address_type);

    Type m_type;
    std::string m_hostAddress;
    unsigned short m_portNumber;

#endif // __IpAddress_H__

The source file for the class, IpAddress.cpp

#include "IpAddress.h"
#include <boost/xpressive/xpressive.hpp>

namespace bxp = boost::xpressive;

static const std::string RegExIpV4_IpFormatHost = "^[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]+(\\:[0-9]{1,5})?$";
static const std::string RegExIpV4_StringHost = "^[A-Za-z0-9]+(\\:[0-9]+)?$";



IpAddress IpAddress::Parse( const std::string& ip_address_str )
    IpAddress ipaddress;
    bxp::sregex ip_regex = bxp::sregex::compile(RegExIpV4_IpFormatHost);
    bxp::sregex str_regex = bxp::sregex::compile(RegExIpV4_StringHost);
    bxp::smatch match;
    if (bxp::regex_match(ip_address_str, match, ip_regex) || bxp::regex_match(ip_address_str, match, str_regex))
        ipaddress.m_type = IpV4;
        // Anything before the last ':' (if any) is the host address
        std::string::size_type colon_index = ip_address_str.find_last_of(':');
        if (std::string::npos == colon_index)
            ipaddress.m_portNumber = 0;
            ipaddress.m_hostAddress = ip_address_str;
            ipaddress.m_hostAddress = ip_address_str.substr(0, colon_index);
            ipaddress.m_portNumber = atoi(ip_address_str.substr(colon_index+1).c_str());
    return ipaddress;

std::string IpAddress::TypeToString( Type address_type )
    std::string result = "Unknown";
    case IpV4:
        result = "IP Address Version 4";
    case IpV6:
        result = "IP Address Version 6";
    return result;

const std::string& IpAddress::getHostAddress() const
    return m_hostAddress;

unsigned short IpAddress::getPortNumber() const
    return m_portNumber;

IpAddress::Type IpAddress::getType() const
    return m_type;

I have only set the rules for IPv4 because I don't know the proper format for IPv6. But I'm pretty sure it's not hard to implement it. Boost Xpressive is just a template based solution and hence do not require any .lib files to be compiled into your exe, which I believe makes is a plus.

By the way just to break down the format of regex in a nutshell...
^ = start of string
$ = end of string
[] = a group of letters or digits that can appear
[0-9] = any single-digit between 0 and 9
[0-9]+ = one or more digits between 0 and 9
the '.' has a special meaning for regex but since our format has 1 dot in an ip-address format we need to specify that we want a '.' between digits by using '\.'. But since C++ needs an escape sequence for '\' we'll have to use "\\."
? = optional component

So, in short, "^[0-9]+$" represents a regex, which is true for an integer.
"^[0-9]+\.$" means an integer that ends with a '.'
"^[0-9]+\.[0-9]?$" is either an integer that ends with a '.' or a decimal.
For an integer or a real number, the regex would be "^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?$".
RegEx an integer that is between 2 and 3 numbers is "^[0-9]{2,3}$".

Now to break down the format of the ip address:


This is synonymous to: "^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]+(\:[0-9]{1,5})?$", which means:

[start of string][1-3 digits].[1-3 digits].[1-3 digits].[1-3 digits]<:[1-5 digits]>[end of string]
Where, [] are mandatory and <> are optional

The second RegEx is simpler than this. It's just a combination of a alpha-numeric value followed by an optional colon and port-number.

By the way, if you would like to test out RegEx you can use this site.

Edit: I failed to notice that you optionally had http instead of port number. For that you can change the expression to:


This accepts formats like:

I'm late to the party, but I was googling for just how to do this. Spirit and C++ have grown up a lot, so let me add a 2021 take:

Live On Compiler Explorer

#include <fmt/ranges.h>
#include <boost/spirit/home/x3.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/std_tuple.hpp>

auto parse_server_address(std::string_view address_spec,
                          std::string_view default_service = "https")
    using namespace boost::spirit::x3;
    auto service = ':' >> +~char_(":") >> eoi;
    auto host    = '[' >> *~char_(']') >> ']' // e.g. for IPV6
        | raw[*("::" | (char_ - service))];

    std::tuple<std::string, std::string> result;
    parse(begin(address_spec), end(address_spec),
          expect[host >> (service | attr(default_service))], result);

    return result;

int main() {
    for (auto input : {
             "::1", "[::1]",
             "::1:80", // Invalid: Is this the IPv6 address ::1:80 and a default
                       // port, or the IPv6 address ::1 and the port 80 ?
             "::1:http", // This is not ambigous, but for simplicity sake, let's
                         // consider this is forbidden as well.
        // auto [host, svc] = parse_server_address(input);
        fmt::print("'{}' -> {}\n", input, parse_server_address(input));


'localhost' -> ("localhost", "https")
'localhost:11211' -> ("localhost", "11211")
'' -> ("", "http")
'[::1]:11211' -> ("::1", "11211")
'::1' -> ("::1", "https")
'[::1]' -> ("::1", "https")
'::1:80' -> ("::1", "80")
'::1:http' -> ("::1", "http")


Validating/resolving the addresses. The parsing is 100% unchanged, just using Asio to resolve the results, also validating them:

#include <boost/asio.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using boost::asio::ip::tcp;
using boost::asio::system_executor;
using boost::system::error_code;

int main() {
    tcp::resolver r(system_executor{});
    error_code    ec;

    for (auto input : {
             "::1", "[::1]",
             "::1:80", // Invalid: Is this the IPv6 address ::1:80 and a default
                       // port, or the IPv6 address ::1 and the port 80 ?
             "::1:http", // This is not ambigous, but for simplicity sake, let's
                         // consider this is forbidden as well.
        auto [host, svc] = parse_server_address(input);

        for (auto&& endpoint : r.resolve({host, svc}, ec)) {
            std::cout << input << " -> " << endpoint.endpoint() << "\n";

        if (ec.failed()) {
            std::cout << input << " -> unresolved: " << ec.message() << "\n";

Prints (limited network Live On Wandbox and Coliruhttp://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/497d8091b40c9f2d)

localhost ->
localhost:11211 -> ->
[::1]:11211 -> [::1]:11211
::1 -> [::1]:443
[::1] -> [::1]:443
::1:80 -> [::1]:80
::1:http -> [::1]:80
stackexchange.com ->
stackexchange.com ->
stackexchange.com ->
stackexchange.com ->
unknown-host.xyz -> unresolved: Host not found (authoritative)

std::string host, port;
std::string example("[::1]:22");

if (example[0] == '[')
    std::string::iterator splitEnd =
        std::find(example.begin() + 1, example.end(), ']');
    host.assign(example.begin(), splitEnd);
    if (splitEnd != example.end()) splitEnd++;
    if (splitEnd != example.end() && *splitEnd == ':')
        port.assign(splitEnd, example.end());
    std::string::iterator splitPoint =
        std::find(example.rbegin(), example.rend(), ':').base();
    if (splitPoint == example.begin())
        host = example;
        host.assign(example.begin(), splitPoint);
        port.assign(splitPoint, example.end());

As mentioned, Boost.Spirit.Qi could handle this.

As mentioned, it's overkill (really).

const std::string line = /**/;

if (line.empty()) return;

std::string host, port;

if (line[0] == '[')           // IP V6 detected
  const size_t pos = line.find(']');
  if (pos == std::string::npos) return;  // Error handling ?
  host = line.substr(1, pos-1);
  port = line.substr(pos+2);
else if (std::count(line.begin(), line.end(), ':') > 1) // IP V6 without port
  host = line;
else                          // IP V4
  const size_t pos = line.find(':');
  host = line.substr(0, pos);
  if (pos != std::string::npos)
    port = line.substr(pos+1);

I really don't think this warrants a parsing library, it might not gain in readability because of the overloaded use of :.

Now my solution is certainly not flawless, one could for example wonder about its efficiency... but I really think it's sufficient, and at least you'll not lose the next maintainer, because from experience Qi expressions can be all but clear!

#pragma once

#include <string>

using std::string;

struct Endpoint {
  enum : char {
  } Type = V4;
  __inline Endpoint(const string& text) {
  void __fastcall bind(const string& text) {
    if (text.empty())
    auto host { text };
    string::size_type bias = 0;
    constexpr auto NONE = string::npos;
    while (true) {
      bias = host.find_first_of(" \n\r\t", bias);
      if (bias == NONE)
      host.erase(bias, 1);
    if (host.empty())
    auto port { host };
    bias = host.find(']');
    if (bias != NONE) {
      const auto skip = text.find('[');
      if (skip == NONE)
      host.erase(0, skip + 1);
      Type = V6;
    else {
      bias = host.find(':');
      if (bias == NONE)
      else {
        const auto next = bias + 1;
        if (host.length() == next)
        if (host[next] == ':') {
          Type = V6;
        else if (! bias)
    if (! port.empty())
      Port = port.erase(0, bias + 1);
    if (! host.empty())
      Host = host;

#endif // ENDPOINT_HPP

If you are getting the port and host via a string or in C++ an array of characters; you could get the length of the string. Do a for loop until the end of the string and go until you find a single colon by itself and the split the string into two parts at that location.

for (int i=0; i<string.length; i++) {
     if (string[i] == ':') {
          if (string[i+1] != ':') {
               if (i > 0) {
                    if (string[i-1] != ':') {
                         splitpoint = i;
}    }    }    }    }

Just a suggestion its kinda deep and I'm sure there is a more efficient way but hope this helps, Gale





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