
Get Image from Byte Aarray

Hope You all are fine and also in one of your best of moods!!

Hope You all are Enjoying iPhone development.

I 开发者_C百科herewith one issue that i am not able to solve, may be i don't know the depth concept of iPhone. So Its my humble requet to you to guide me or suggest or share your ideas.

I do find an issue with getting an image from Bytes array.

I am calling a webservice which returns an image in form of Bytes Array as response.

I have Converted this bytes array in to form of NSData, Now i have NSData, But When i Try to get an image from this NSData, It shows nil.

I Did lots of R&D and Find one suggestion to use base64 encoder, But unfortunately because of not proper guidance I was not able to Implement that.

I was also suggested to use OPenSSL Library for base64 from url http://www.cocoadev.com/index.pl?BaseSixtyFour

But again i was not able to include #include #include these two files. as in Newer Version of SDK 3.X family Apple has depreciated those (as i guess).

So Now i need help from you guys. kindly help me if you have solution or if you know the steps to solve these.

Looking Forwards.


Arun Thakkar

Using OpenSSL on the iPhone seems like a very heavy-weight solution if all you need is Base64 encoding/decoding. Look at this post for how to use a category for NSData to add base64 encoding/decoding. You want the second section of this blog post as the first deals with OpenSSL :)






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