Flex uncontinuous linechart?
Is there a way to break the line in a line-chart, if the gap between 2 values on the x axis is bigger then a given value? For example there are 20 values but the first 13 are close to each other on the x axis and should be connected with a line, but the other 7 are a bit far from these and should be connected with another line. The type of values are the 开发者_高级运维same.
All data points in a series will be connected by a line. To have a disconnected line just create a new series and split your datapoints into two groups. Both series will probably have the same yField
value, just two different data sources.
The example at the bottom of the page shows the use of multiple series: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/langref/mx/charts/series/LineSeries.html
And, for those who are interested, this example shows how to mix different types of charts together: http://livedocs.adobe.com/flex/3/html/help.html?content=charts_types_11.html